Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Financing a business: internal and external financing options ...

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Capital is the lifeblood of any business. As well as supporting long term investment, working capital is used to invest in the current assets used in a company?s day-to-day operations.

Businesses have multiple ways of raising finance which may be suitable depending on the characteristics of the firm, the nature of the intended investment and the economic environment. To simply the advantages and disadvantages of these options, HBR has compiled the following table (click to enlarge).

Financing options table

Note: This table shows the general characteristics of financing options. However, most change according to factors such as business reputation, credit ratings, market conditions and service used.


Internal sources of finance

Retained profits:
Companies can increase funds by retaining profits and not distributing them as dividends. The shareholders deprived of capital will expect retained profits to be invested to achieve a competitive rate of return. Most big businesses retain 50% of profits to fund expansion.

Tighter credit control:
The remaining internal financing options increase businesses? cash assets by decreasing working capital items. For example, chasing trade receivables owed by credit customers releases funds which can be re-invested in the business.

Reduce inventories:
Purchase and storage costs use revenue that could otherwise be used to expand the business. However, when reducing inventories enterprises should be careful to retain the capacity to meet future demand.

Delay paying trade payables:
This cheap form of finance extends the period before a business has to make good on their credit payments, releasing the funds in the interim. This can come at a reputational cost, which damages the possibility of buying on credit in the future.

External sources of finance

Ordinary shares:
Under this arrangement, companies raise capital by selling stock in their business. This entitles the purchaser to a voice in the decisions made by the firm. While ordinary shares do not have a fixed rate of dividend (a share of company profits) from profits after current liabilities and other investors are services, not paying them can diminish share value. A business will avoid this if they hope to issue shares in the future.

Preference shares:
Preferential shareholders receive dividends before individuals with ordinary shares. Their lower risk and lower levels of return mean that preference shares have a less volatile market price. These have lost popularity since, while they are alike borrowings in many other aspects, dividend payments are not tax deductible.

Rights issue:
In order to raise finance without diluting control of the business, a rights issue offers new shares to existing shareholders. Shares issued this way generate goodwill and maintain the predictability of shareholder governance, but must also be discounted (sold at an average of 31% under market price).

Bank overdraft:
Businesses can access funds by maintaining a negative balance on its bank account. The advantages of using an overdraft include flexibility, competitive interest rates and can become a long term source of finance (dependent on the confidence inspired by the borrower). But, reliance on an overdraft can have devastating consequences, since it is repayable on demand.

Term loan:
Financial institutions provide negotiable loans in which the rate of interest, repayment dates and security for the capital offered must be agreed. Because they are commonplace, this option is easy to set up and has a degree of flexibility. At the same time, borrowed capital often comes with obligations and restrictions known as ?loan covenants?.

Loan notes/stock:
This form of borrowing, exchanges capital from investors for a note representing the loan which can then be traded on the Stock Market. The value of a loan note fluctuates with the business?s performance.

Finance lease:
Under this arrangement, a business will select an asset which is then purchased by a finance company. The lease will then be paid in a series of rentals or instalments. This avoids the large cash outflows of an outright purchase. The risks and rewards associated with the purchased item are transferred to the lessee.

Operating lease:
This is similar to the finance lease, except the rewards and risks of the item stay with the owner. The asset becomes security, meaning that operating leases are usually given without detailed credit checks. The term of an operating lease is short compared to the useful life of the asset, and so the asset might be used by multiple lessees in its lifetime. Businesses can, therefore, avoid obsolesce risks by this means.

Sale and lease back:
Businesses can raise funds by leasing their unused assets to a financial institution.

Debt factoring:
Debt collection can be outsourced to specialist subcontractors. This can increase cash assets by providing savings in credit management and certainty in cash flows. Stakeholder opinion should be considered before opting for this financing option, as the use of outside agents could be viewed as an indication of financial difficulties.

Invoice discounting:
This is a loan based on the value of a business?s outstanding credit sales. This is used as a short term alternative to debt factoring. It is more widely used based on its low service charges and the autonomy it gives to the business to collect payment for its own credit sales. However, repayment of the advance not dependent on trade receivables being collected, so a business must have confidence they can raise finance within the term of the loan.


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Source: http://henleybusinessreview.wordpress.com/2013/04/29/financing-a-business-internal-and-external-financing-options/

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Jackson's life recounted in opening of civil trial

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Michael Jackson's struggle against drug addiction was on display Monday during opening statements in his mother's wrongful death case against concert promoter AEG Live.

Competing portraits of Jackson emerged during the first hours of the trial, with Katherine Jackson's attorney acknowledging the pop star's drug problems while also trying to show he was a caring son and father.

"His stirring voice, his musical genius, his creativity and his generosity and his huge heart was extinguished forever," her lawyer, Brian Panish, said in his opening remarks.

AEG's attorney, Marvin S. Putnam, said that while Jackson's death was tragic, his guarded private life meant the company was unaware that he was using the powerful anesthetic propofol.

"The truth is, Michael Jackson fooled everyone," Putnam said. "He made sure that no one ? nobody ? knew his deepest, darkest secrets."

A jury of six men and six women will determine whether AEG should pay Jackson's mother and three children for their losses after his 2009 death from an overdose of propofol. Millions and possibly billions of dollars in damages are at stake in the case that opened with private photos of the singer with his children and video clips of Jackson dancing.

"This case is about personal choices," Putnam said about Jackson's decision to be treated by physician Conrad Murray. "Also, it was about his personal responsibility. There's no question that Michael Jackson's death was a terrible tragedy.

"I believe the evidence will show it was not a tragedy of AEG Live's making," Putnam said as he ended his opening statement. Testimony will begin Tuesday.

Panish said AEG created a conflict of interest for Murray and forced him to choose between a large payday and Jackson's care. He told the jury AEG was feeling competitive pressures and wanted the Jackson tour to work at all costs.

"They didn't care who got lost in the wash," Panish told the jury.

Panish played a song that Jackson wrote for his three children, "You Are My Life," and displayed a note the singer had written for his mother that brought tears to her eyes as she sat in court.

Katherine Jackson sued AEG Live in September 2010, claiming it failed to properly investigate Murray before allowing him to serve as Jackson's doctor as he prepared for his "This Is It" shows. She is also suing on behalf of her son's three children ? Prince, Paris and Blanket.

AEG denies it hired Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death. AEG's attorneys have said the company could not have foreseen the circumstances that led to the singer's death at age 50.

Panish told jurors that AEG executives ignored warning signs about Jackson's health and were motivated to push the singer and his doctor to improve their own financial fortunes.

"We're not looking for any sympathy," Panish said. "We're looking for truth and justice."

With Jackson's mother, brother Randy and sister Rebbie seated in the front row of the courtroom, jurors were shown numerous slides and several scribbled notes.

A couple of jurors nodded when the lawyer referenced Jackson's achievements, including successful concert tours and a Super Bowl performance.

Katherine Jackson dabbed her eyes after Panish read a note that her son wrote to her, detailing his feelings about her.

"All my success has been based on the fact that I wanted to make my mother proud," the singer's note said, "to win her smile of approval."

The personal touches came after Panish spent the first half of his presentation detailing Jackson's struggles with prescription drug abuse throughout the last half of his life.

He also showed jurors numerous emails sent between AEG executives concerning Jackson's health and their concerns that he wouldn't be able to perform 50 planned concerts in London.

Putnam recounted the chaotic days following Jackson's death as investigators and the public tried to figure out how the singer died unexpectedly. He urged jurors to remember that propofol killed Jackson.

"One thing became very, very clear," Putnam said. "While the world may not have heard of propofol, Mr. Jackson certainly had. The evidence is going to show you that he had been using that drug for years and years."

He said jurors will hear from Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, who would tell them that Jackson used the anesthetic in the 1990s.

"Mr. Jackson got very, very, good at hiding his addiction," Putnam said. "He didn't let anyone see it. Not his staff, not his children. This was the private Michael Jackson."

He said physician-patient confidentiality kept Jackson's reliance on propofol from becoming publicly known.

That extended to Murray as well. "He couldn't tell anyone about the propofol use," Putnam said of the former cardiologist.

Panish, however, said AEG saw the Jackson shows as a way to make a lot of money and better compete with Live Nation Entertainment Inc.

He displayed a March 2009 email sent before a news conference featuring Jackson, in which AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips wrote to Tim Leiweke, the former CEO of AEG'S parent company, that Jackson was drunk and refusing to address fans.

"This is the scariest thing I have ever seen," Phillips wrote Leiweke. "He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self-loathing and doubt now that it's show time. He's scared to death."

Panish said Jackson's behavior was just one of several warning signs the company ignored before the death.

He told the panel that they would be the ones to assign liability for Jackson's death, but they should look at AEG's actions and not focus on Jackson's issues.

"Michael paid the ultimate price. He died," Panish said. "Michael has taken responsibility."


AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report. Anthony McCartney can be reached at http://twitter.com/mccartneyAP .

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/jacksons-life-recounted-opening-civil-trial-015542776.html

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Android Took 64% Of All Smartphone Sales Globally In Q1; Windows Phone Continues Modest Gains, Says Kantar

Android_robotGoogle's mobile OS Android continues to power ahead as the world's most popular smartphone platform, according to figures out today from Kantar Worldpanel Comtech, the WPP-owned market research company that tracks sales of handsets across key markets on a 12-week rolling cycle. In the nine markets surveyed by Kantar -- Australia, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK and the U.S., all detailed in the table below -- Android on average accounted for 64.2% of all handset sales in the 12 weeks that ended March 31.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/689TQoc3xa0/

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Monday, April 29, 2013

This Is Not Where You're Supposed to Wear Your Google Glass

Did you expect to see someone wearing Google Glass in a box? Did you expect to see someone wearing Google Glass with a fox? Did you expect to see someone wearing Google Glass with a mouse? How about a mouse? You probably didn't expect to see them in the shower, that's for sure.

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Unexplainable tech human Robert Scoble shared this picture of himself wearing those?unmistakable? Google Glasses in what's probably the last place Google expected someone to wear them: the shower. Except they're waterproof, he says, so maybe Google is just as crazy.

I wore Google Glass into the shower today. plus.google.com/11109108952772? Yes, they are waterproof. Still work just fine!

? Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) April 28, 2013

See, Scoble wrote this ridiculous review of Google Glass where he promised to never take them off ever again. Scoble is a bit of an odd duck in the tech world. He doesn't do much besides take new tech things and then cheer them on and then move onto the next cool thing. He's like a teen being influenced by?subliminal?messaging in Josie and the Pussy Cats:?

RELATED: The Plan to Make Google Glass Seem Totally Normal Is Backfiring

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It was Scoble's irresponsible enthusiasm for anything, literally anything, that caused such a strong reaction from most tech observers. "Scoble is an indiscriminate evangelist; he embraces virtually any new technology with inhuman enthusiasm," writes?Buzzfeed's John Herrman.?"This makes him useful as a sort ofreductio ad absurdum?product processor: he takes a new service or thing and?gives?himself to it, both testing it and inadvertently demonstrating the logical conclusion of its creators' visions."?Valleywag's Sam Biddle?cut through more of Scoble's ridiculousness and parsed this simple picture upload to what it really is: a marketing ploy. "Glass isn't just the newest status bauble of Scoble and his buzz-crazed ilk: it's a future moneymaker, and this is marketing," he writes. "So the next time he explains how great Glass is for live-broadcasting sex with his wife, a bank robbery, or telling children they're adopted, remember this evangelism for what it really is: publicity."

RELATED: These Google Glass Early Adopters Will Warm Your Heart

This is hopefully nadir of Scoble's Google Glass obsession, or at least his obsession with proving he's obsessed with Google Glass. No one wants to know where else he could wear them. Google's already fighting off the impression that Glass will get you beat up, and the adoption of the phrase "Glasshole" to describe Glass wearers. (And there's no debating Scoble is a glasshole.) Heck, most people think Glass is just plain weird. No one needs to see Google Glass in a stranger place or situation than the shower. No one needs to see a Google Glass sex tape. Because really this is further than anyone wanted in the first place:?

This isn't what Google intended

? Laura June (@laura_june) April 28, 2013

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/not-where-youre-supposed-wear-google-glass-225411417.html

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Caught at border: Bangladesh factory owner arrested

Mohammed Sohel Rana was arrested just as he was about to flee into India. So far,?377 people are confirmed to have died in the collapse of his illegally-constructed building.

By Chris Blake and Julhas Alam,?Associated Press / April 28, 2013

Mohammed Sohel Rana, shown to the media shortly after his capture trying to flee Bangladesh.

Palash Khan/AP


The fugitive owner of an illegally-constructed building that collapsed in?Bangladesh in a deadly heap last week was captured Sunday at a border crossing with India by members of a commando force.

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Mohammed Sohel Rana was arrested in Benapole in western?Bangladesh, just as he was about to flee into India's West Bengal state, said Jahangir Kabir Nanak, junior minister for local government. Rana was brought back by helicopter to the capital Dhaka where he faced charges of negligence.

Rana's capture by the Rapid Action Battalion brought cheers and applause when it was announced on a loudspeaker at the site of the collapsed building in the Dhaka suburb of Savar, where search and rescue operations were continuing through the night.

At least 377 people are confirmed to have died in the collapse of the 8-story building on Wednesday. Three of its floors were built illegally. The death toll is expected to rise but it is already the deadliest tragedy to hit Bangladesh's?garment industry, which is worth $20 billion annually and is a mainstay of the economy. The collapse and previous disasters in garment factories have focused attention on the poor working conditions of workers who toil for as little as $38 a month to produce clothing for top international brands.

Disheveled, sweating

Rana was presented before the media briefly at the commando force's headquarters in Dhaka. Wearing a printed shirt, an exhausted and disheveled Rana was sweating as two security officers held him by his arms. A security official helped him to drink water after he gestured he was thirsty. He did not speak to the media during the 10-minute appearance after which he was taken away. He is likely to be handed over to local police who will have to charge him and produce him in court within 24 hours.

A small-time politician from the ruling party, Rana had been on the run since Wednesday. He last appeared in public in front of his Rana Plaza on Tuesday after huge cracks appeared in the building. However, he assured tenants, including five garment factories, that the building was safe, according to witnesses.

A bank and some shops on the first floor shut their premises on Wednesday after police ordered an evacuation, but managers of the garment factories on the upper floor told workers to continue their shifts.

Hours later, Rana Plaza was reduced to rubble, crushing most victims under massive blocks of concrete and mortar. A garment manufacturers' group said the factories in the building employed 3,122 workers, but it was not clear how many were inside it when it collapsed. About 2,500 survivors have been accounted for.

On Sunday, rescuers were supposed to start using heavy equipment to drill a central hole from the top to look for survivors and dead bodies. But the operation was delayed after rescuers located a woman inside the building, and were trying to pull her out.

Army Maj. Gen. Chowdhury Hasan Suhrawardy, the coordinator of the rescue operations, said so far rescuers have been manually shifting concrete blocks with the help of light equipment such as pickaxes and shovels.

The next phase will involve manual efforts as well as heavy equipment, including hydraulic cranes and cutters to bore a hole from the top of the collapsed building, he told reporters.

The purpose is to "continue the operation to recover both survivors and dead bodies. In this stage, we have no other choice but to use some heavy equipment. We will start it within a few hours. Manual operation and use of small equipment is not enough," he said.

The work will be carried out carefully so as not to mutilate bodies, he said. All the equipment is in place, "from a small blade to everything. We have engaged many private sector companies which supplied us equipment, even some heavy ones."

Woman pulled out alive

In rare good news, a female worker was pulled out alive on Sunday. Hasan Akbari, a rescuer, said when he tried to extricate a man next to the woman, "he said his body was being torn apart. So I had to let go. But God willing, we will be able to rescue him with more help very soon."

On Saturday, police arrested three owners of two factories. Also under detention are Rana's wife and two government engineers who were involved in giving approval for the building design. Local television stations reported that the?Bangladesh?High Court has frozen the bank accounts of the owners of all five garment factories in the collapsed building.

Rana was a local leader of ruling Awami League's youth front. His arrest, and that of the factory owners, was ordered by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is also the Awami League leader.

The disaster is the worst ever for the country's booming and powerful garment industry, surpassing a fire five months ago that killed 112 people and brought widespread pledges to improve worker-safety standards. But since then very little has changed in?Bangladesh, where low wages have made it a magnet for numerous global brands.

Bangladesh's?garment industry was the third largest in the world in 2011, after China and Italy, having grown rapidly in the past decade. The country's minimum wage is the equivalent of about $38 a month.

7 million pieces a year

Among the garment makers in the building were Phantom Apparels, Phantom Tac, Ether Tex, New Wave Style, and New Wave Bottoms. Altogether, they produced several million shirts, pants, and other garments a year.

The New Wave companies, according to their website, make clothing for several major North American and European retailers.

Britain's Primark acknowledged it was using a factory in Rana Plaza, but many other retailers distanced themselves from the disaster, saying they were not involved with the factories at the time of the collapse or had not recently ordered garments from them.

Wal-Mart said none of its clothing had been authorized to be made in the facility, but it is investigating whether there was any unauthorized production.

* AP writers Farid Hossain and Gillian Wong in Dhaka contributed to this report.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/ovRRJ2WN0_8/Caught-at-border-Bangladesh-factory-owner-arrested

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jerry Lewis makes appearance at 'King of Comedy'

NEW YORK (AP) ? The Tribeca Film Festival has ended on a royal note with Jerry Lewis showing up at the 30th anniversary screening of "The King of Comedy."

The 87-year-old comedian-actor walked out to thunderous applause after the screening Saturday, joining co-star Robert De Niro and director Martin Scorsese.

Lewis answered questions about the making of the film and brought the audience to laughter with a tale about a guy he met on a subway train.

In the movie, Lewis plays a talk-show host kidnapped by a deranged comedian played by De Niro.

De Niro founded the festival with producers Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff as a way to rebuild the neighborhood where the World Trade Center fell in the 9/11 attacks.


Follow John Carucci on Twitter at www.twitter.com/jacarucci

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/jerry-lewis-makes-appearance-king-comedy-061812928.html

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KC Rep find the gritty humor in David Mamet's 'American Buffalo ...

The early plays of David Mamet are never classified as comedies, but the fine Kansas City Repertory Theatre production of ?American Buffalo? poses an obvious question: Why not?

It could be that Mamet himself projects such a humorless public persona in interviews and his personal essays that ?funny? is a word we resist attaching to a man who discusses his plays as intellectual exercises. Although we still encounter flashes of the poetically profane old Mamet (he was certainly present in ?Phil Spector,? the recent HBO film he wrote and directed), he has through the years seemed drawn to the elevated language of by-gone eras in such as plays as ?Boston Marriage,? his adaptation of the Edwardian drama ?The Voysey Inheritance? or his film version of British playwright Terence Rattigan?s ?The Winslow Boy.?

In ?American Buffalo? we encounter ?classic? Mamet. The dialogue in this 1975 play, which established him as a major talent, is raw but precise and the setting is far from anything resembling middle-class respectability.

Set in a ?resale? shop in Chicago, the piece depicts the bumbling efforts of a trio of sub-cultural bottom-feeders to pull off a rare-coins heist ? a crime for which they are woefully unprepared. The crusty shop owner, Don, has enlisted the help of Bobby, a slow-thinking young junkie who may or may not be clean. But when the bombastic Teach, a neighborhood character with no obvious means of supporting himself, learns of the plan, he convinces Don that Bobby is too inexperienced and untrustworthy to pull off the job. Only he, Teach, can grab the coins without breaking a sweat.

As the plan emerges, we realize that Teach is a big talker who doesn't really possess the requisite criminal skills he claims to have. But he plants enough doubt in Don's mind that the older man comes to distrust Bobby. There's a flash of violence as the little scheme comes unraveled and ultimately we're led to believe that talking big and indulging in grandiose fantasies is really what connects these guys. It's a sort of a mutual delusion society.

In the final minutes of the play, it all comes down to one question Teach repeats to Don: ?Are you mad at me? Are you mad at me?? And there you have it. These guys talk tough but are as emotionally vulnerable as little kids.

?American Buffalo? is generally considered a scathing commentary on market capitalism as these would-be thieves make plans in a shop filled to the rafters with the detritus of American consumerism. That view of the play is totally legitimate, but director Jerry Genochio and his splendid cast see the piece as something beyond that: A comedy of manners. The story of these aspiring master criminals is a near-farcical portrait of little men who want to think big.

As written, Teach becomes the dominant character in the piece. He's a guy who throws his emotional weight around but whose efforts to manipulate others usually comes to nothing. Brian Paulette offers a spectacular performance in this iconic role. Costumed in a leather jacket and florid shirt, with slicked-back hair and a drooping mustache, he visually brings to mind Dustin Hoffman's career criminal in ?Straight Time.? His handling of Mamet's staccato dialogue and profane arias is a thing of beauty. Ultimately Paulette allows us to see beyond the bombast to the inner life of a character who thinks and acts like an addict, even if Bobby is the ?real? junkie.

As Don, Robert Elliott strikes just the right balance as a guy who has cast himself as a paternal figure to young Bobby ? which makes his distrust of the kid all the more disturbing when Teach convinces him that Bobby is a turncoat. Teach and Don have something in common ? an ability to consider superficial evidence and come to the wrong conclusion.

Elliott and Paulette deliver operatic performances. Their characters express themselves in high-relief terms, using words like weapons and reacting to events with extreme emotions. Robbie Tann finds a different vocabulary as Bobby and delivers an utterly convincing human-scale performance as a kid who's the walking personification of vulnerability. Genochio has the skill to put these performances together into a coherent whole. One thing the actors share is immaculate timing. They guide us through the deceptively complex narrative with impressive clarity.

Anyone who saw the 1995 film of ?American Buffalo? knows just how deadly and humorless Mamet can be in the wrong hands. Here he's in very good hands. The result is an impressive portrait of humanity at the bottom of the social scale. It?s funny, sad, poignant and a little scary.

Helping Genochio and his actors to achieve something so raw and yet sublime is a superior design team. Patrick Holt (costumes), Jason Lyons (lighting) and Joe Cerqua (sound and music) all make vital contributions. Scenic designer Donald Eastman deserves special notice because his junk shop is so beautifully cluttered and so spatially dynamic that it virtually becomes a character.

Source: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/04/27/4205600/kc-rep-find-the-gritty-humor-in.html

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HBT: Tigers' Sanchez Ks 17 in shutout of Braves

With all due respect to Nationals starter Jordan Zimmermann, the author of a one-hit shutout against the Cincinnati Reds, Anibal Sanchez was tonight?s best pitcher. The right-hander, who signed a five-year, $80 million contract with the Tigers back in December, shut out the Braves with a franchise record 17 strikeouts over eight innings.

The Braves entered the night with the fifth-best offense in the National League averaging 4.6 runs per game with a league-best 35 home runs, but Sanchez kept the Braves? bats silent with masterful pitching from start to finish, allowing only five hits and one walk. It also didn?t hurt that the Tigers spotted him a ten-run cushion with a four-run third and six-run fourth.

Sanchez tied Mickey Lolich?s Tigers club record for strikeouts in a nine-inning game (16) when he got Reed Johnson to strike out swinging for the second out in the eighth.

Tigers manager Jim Leyland opted to use Bruce Rondon in the ninth rather than allow Sanchez to finish his masterpiece. However, Sanchez was 121 pitches, so it is justifiable.

The last pitcher to strike out 17 or more batters was Brandon Morrow, who tossed a one-hit shut-out with 17 punch-outs against the Tampa Bay Rays on August 8, 2010. Others to do it in the 2000?s include Johan Santana (2007), Ben Sheets (2004), Randy Johnson (twice in 2002, once in 2001), Curt Schilling (2002), and Pedro Martinez (2000).

Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/04/26/anibal-sanchez-had-himself-a-ballgame/related/

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Boosting the powers of genomic science

Friday, April 26, 2013

As scientists probe and parse the genetic bases of what makes a human a human (or one human different from another), and vigorously push for greater use of whole genome sequencing, they find themselves increasingly threatened by the unthinkable: Too much data to make full sense of.

In a pair of papers published in the April 25, 2013 issue of PLOS Genetics, two diverse teams of scientists, both headed by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, describe novel statistical models that more broadly and deeply identify associations between bits of sequenced DNA called single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs and say lead to a more complete and accurate understanding of the genetic underpinnings of many diseases and how best to treat them.

"It's increasingly evident that highly heritable diseases and traits are influenced by a large number of genetic variants in different parts of the genome, each with small effects," said Anders M. Dale, PhD, a professor in the departments of Radiology, Neurosciences and Psychiatry at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. "Unfortunately, it's also increasingly evident that existing statistical methods, like genome-wide association studies (GWAS) that look for associations between SNPs and diseases, are severely underpowered and can't adequately incorporate all of this new, exciting and exceedingly rich data."

Dale cited, for example, a recent study published in Nature Genetics in which researchers used traditional GWAS to raise the number of SNPs associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis from four to 16. The scientists then applied the new statistical methods to identify 33 additional SNPs, more than tripling the number of genome locations associated with the life-threatening liver disease.

Generally speaking, the new methods boost researchers' analytical powers by incorporating a priori or prior knowledge about the function of SNPs with their pleiotrophic relationships to multiple phenotypes. Pleiotrophy occurs when one gene influences multiple sets of observed traits or phenotypes.

Dale and colleagues believe the new methods could lead to a paradigm shift in CWAS analysis, with profound implications across a broad range of complex traits and disorders.

"There is ever-greater emphasis being placed on expensive whole genome sequencing efforts," he said, "but as the science advances, the challenges become larger. The needle in the haystack of traditional GWAS involves searching through about one million SNPs. This will increase 10- to 100-fold, to about 3 billion positions. We think these new methodologies allow us to more completely exploit our resources, to extract the most information possible, which we think has important implications for gene discovery, drug development and more accurately assessing a person's overall genetic risk of developing a certain disease."

"All SNPs are not created equal: Genome-wide association studies reveal a consisten pattern of enrichment among functionally annotated SNPs." Authors include Andrew J. Schork, UCSD Cognitive Sciences Graduate Program, UCSD Center for Human Development and UCSD Multimodal Imaging Laboratory; Wesley K. Thompson and John R. Kelsoe, Department of Psychiatry, UCSD; Phillip Pham, Scripps Health, The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI); Ali Torkamani and Nicholas J. Schork, Scripps Health, TSRI; J. Cooper Roddy, UCSD Multimodal Laboratory; Patrick F. Sullivan, University of North Carolina; Michael C. O'Donovan, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Helena Furberg, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; The Tobacco and Genetics Consortium, The Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, The Schizophrenic Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; and Ole A. Andreassen, UCSD Department of Psychiatry, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.

"Improved detection of common variants associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder using pleiotropy-informed conditional False Discovery Rate."


University of California - San Diego: http://www.ucsd.edu

Thanks to University of California - San Diego for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/127968/Boosting_the_powers_of_genomic_science

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A World of Hurt: Why You Need More Than Painkillers to Feel Better

Sharon Harris was barely out of college when she got a devastating diagnosis: She had lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that causes pain, inflammation, and damage to various parts of the body. Harris? doctors limited her pain-relief drugs to over-the-counter versions, so she soon figured out she had to find other ways to cope with ?flares? when her symptoms worsened. ?I?ve always been skeptical of taking medication [so] I enlisted the help of yoga and massage experts,? remembers Harris, now 34 and living in Detroit. ?I read countless stories about how the two techniques helped minimize pain.?

At the start, Harris found yoga painful and difficult to do, but over time it got easier. ?Yoga encourages you to stretch muscles that you never knew you had,? she says. ?It also pushes you to meditate and visualize ?pushing out? your pain using concentrated breathing techniques.? After a class Harris says she feels ?renewed, more aware, and more relaxed,? adding that she goes for a massage once a month: ?I carry a lot of pain in my back and neck; massages tend to alleviate those aches and pains.?

For many of the millions of Americans dealing with chronic pain?the American Academy of Pain Medicine puts the total at 100 million?Harris? pain management program, which combines few or no drugs with alternative and mind-body therapies, isn?t at all unusual. One reason is that abuse of painkillers?especially powerful opioids like oxycodone?are becoming harder than ever to get, even if you have a legitimate reason to use them. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided against approving a generic version of oxycodone, which goes by the brand name Oxycontin. That means, among other things, that the price of this powerful narcotic painkiller will remain high.

The FDA?s decision to only allow a brand-name, abuse-resistant version of oxycodone is based on data showing that painkiller abuse?is rampant and growing. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that nearly two million Americans were dependent on or abusing prescription pain relievers?five times greater than the number of people addicted to heroin.

Between physicians prescribing these and other drugs less often or in lower amounts to avoid abuse, and the high and rising cost of many prescriptions, the upshot is that fewer pain patients who need relief are likely to get it. This means they need to turn to over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen, and drug-free approaches like Harris? yoga-and-massage regimen, as well as acupuncture, biofeedback, and other therapies.

Akash Bajaj, M.D., a pain specialist in Marina del Ray, California, says concerns about addiction have pushed him to often try other modalities instead of starting with narcotic pain relievers. That?s especially true, he says, with patients in their 20s and 30s, who could be on pain meds for decades if injury damage is permanent, or they develop chronic pain conditions like arthritis or migraines. ?Always, my go-to is other types of pain relief, including physical therapy, chiropractic, and nerve blocks that go right to the source of the pain, as well as combinations of treatments for maximum effect,? says Dr. Bajaj. He says those patients for whom he does prescribe strong pain relievers must come back to see him again soon after the first visit so he can reassess their medication needs. ?That also allows me to give out just a few pills at first, which can lessen the likelihood of addiction, since then they don?t have the pills on hand to use after they?re no longer needed for pain relief,? he explains.

Dr. Bajaj adds that while handing out drugs is a quick encounter between a patient and doctor, it can irretrievably alter someone?s life if addiction develops. So he also considers a patient?s emotional state, because intractable pain affects mental and emotional health, too. ?I tell my patients there are two models of pain relief?a rehabilitee model and a palliative model. With the palliative model, we only address the immediate pain relief. But with the rehabilitative model, the patient becomes a part of the team and takes on some of the responsibility for getting better.? ?

There?s good evidence that taking a more action-oriented approach to pain relief works better for many pain patients. It?s certainly helped Harris, who says her spiritual beliefs have helped too. ?As I combat lupus I strongly believe that there is a spirit/mind connection,? she says. ?I?ve noticed that I always feel better after a church service or after I?ve read Bible scriptures.? And it?s that holistic?body, mind, and spirit?approach that may offer the most lasting relief from a life full of pain.

Are you experiencing chronic pain? What has helped you find relief?

Related Stories on TakePart:

??Why Are Some Prescription Drugs So Hard to Get?

??In Serious Pain? Getting Your Meds May Get Even Harder

??Reformulated OxyContin Makes Abusers Switch to Heroin

Fran Kritz is a?freelance writer specializing in health and health?policy and lives in Silver?Spring, Maryland. Takepart.com

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/world-hurt-why-more-painkillers-feel-better-184255538.html

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Friday, April 26, 2013

UK "snoopers' charter" won't happen, says deputy PM

By Michael Holden

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's deputy prime minister on Thursday ruled out plans to allow police and spy agencies access to details of people's Internet use, dubbed a "snoopers charter", threatening division in the coalition government over security and civil liberties.

Senior police and security chiefs argue that unless they are given new powers to monitor online activities, militants and crooks will exploit advances in communication technology such as Facebook and Skype.

Critics say the plans, closely watched by other countries facing the same dilemma, represent an attempt to secure the West's most far-reaching surveillance powers and are a gross infringement of privacy.

Nick Clegg, leader of the center-left Liberal Democrats, the junior partner in the coalition government, said the proposed Communications Data Bill, which had been expected before parliament next month, would now "not happen".

"I'm afraid I think that it is not necessarily workable nor proportionate," said Clegg, who newspapers reported had been coming under pressure from activists within his own party, with its traditional focus on civil liberty.

His opposition will anger some senior figures in Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party, not least Home Secretary Theresa May who has been a vociferous advocate of the new powers which she argues is vital.

It also comes with the Conservatives, traditionally viewed as strong supporters of law and order, and Liberal Democrats appeared at odds over attempts to deport Abu Qatada, a radical Islamist cleric deemed a national security risk.


"What people have dubbed the snoopers' charter ... that's not going to happen," Clegg said on his weekly phone-in on the LBC radio station.

"The idea that the government pass a law which means that there would be a record kept of every website you visit, who you communicate with on social media sites, that's not going to happen, it's certainly not going to happen with Liberal Democrats in government."

A spokesman for Cameron said police and security agencies had to be able respond to technological change and discussions would continue as progress on the issue was important.

Currently, British mobile and landline telephone providers must retain records for 12 months, in line with an EU directive.

Requests by authorities for details of a person's phone contacts can be approved by a senior police or intelligence officer without the need for a warrant.

The proposals would have expanded these powers to force the retention of data about online activities, such as which web sites individuals looked at and who they were talking to on social networks, although the authorities insisted they were not interested in the actual content.

Senior counter-terrorism and spy figures have warned their work will suffer unless action is taken.

On Wednesday, Charles Farr, Director General of Britain's Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, said advances in communications was making "terrorism easier to conduct and safer for terrorists".

"Legislation and some degree of technology is required to enable us to level the playing field," he said.

(Editing by Toby Chopra)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/uk-snoopers-charter-wont-happen-says-deputy-pm-123048479.html

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Google Glass Has Already Been Hacked and Rooted

Though Google Glass runs Android, it's not exactly as wide open as your typical Android phone. And given its spot as the most futuristic tech available right now, you know hackers want to tinker with Google's specs. Legendary hacker Jay Freeman, famously known as Saurik who created the Cydia app store for iOS jailbreak phones, did just that. He's already gained root access to Google Glass. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/-S5Rvk9AtlY/google-glass-has-already-been-hacked-and-rooted

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Listen to world?s first recording of Alexander Graham Bell?s voice

The first ever audio recording of Alexander Graham Bell has been uncoveredResearchers have discovered the world?s first voice mail: an audio recording of Alexander Graham Bell made on April 15, 1885, using a mixture of cardboard and wax.

The Smithsonian Magazine has posted the audio recording, in which the inventor of the telephone announces, ?In witness whereof?hear my voice, Alexander Graham Bell.?

Listen to the audio recording here.

The recording was made in humble surroundings, inside a former stable used by Bell and his cousin in Washington, D.C. Biographer Charlotte Gray explains that Bell was motivated to create the recording in an attempt to improve upon an earlier audio recording made by Bell?s rival, Thomas Edison.

Along with this prized recording, and Bell?s legacy of having invented the telephone, he's credited with other forward-thinking technology as well. In 1880, he patented an optical telephone system, which is seen as predicting the use of mobile phones and fiber optics.

Bell had a wide range of interests, covering topics as diverse as early research into hydrofoils and alternative fuel sources.

Over the years, he donated a number of his laboratory materials to the Smithsonian Institution, including more than 400 discs and cylinders that documented his attempts at making an audio recording between 1880 and 1886.

However, curator Carlene Stephens of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History said the discs were considered ?mute artifacts? until physicist Carl Haber at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., found a way to extract the recordings.

Before Haber was able to isolate the recording, he used optical scanners to convert an audio recording that included voices speaking a series of numbers, words from ?Mary Had a Little Lamb? and Hamlet?s famed soliloquy from the eponymous Shakespeare play.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/listen-world-first-recording-alexander-graham-bell-voice-022313815.html

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jordan's new government wins confidence vote

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? The government of Jordan's Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour has won a vote of confidence after a week-long debate in parliament over price hikes and the two-year civil war in neighboring Syria.

The official Petra news agency says Ensour's Cabinet got an 83-65 vote in the 150-seat legislature late Tuesday. One lawmaker abstained and one was absent.

Ensour is Jordan's first premier chosen by lawmakers and not appointed by the king.

January's parliamentary elections were billed as the centerpiece of King Abdullah's political reform program that granted parliament the power to pick a premier.

Jordan's economy is ailing, and rising energy costs are among the most pressing issues in the kingdom. Some lawmakers have also expressed concerns over the rising numbers of Syrian refugees in the resource-poor kingdom.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/jordans-government-wins-confidence-vote-093048712.html

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NKorean soldiers put down arms to help plant crops

SASI-RI, North Korea (AP) ? The North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone is a hive of activity ? not of fighting, but of farming.

Beyond the barbed wire, ruddy-faced North Korean soldiers put down their rifles Wednesday and stood shoulder to shoulder with farmers as they turned their focus to another battle: the spring planting.

As neighboring nations remain on guard for a missile launch or nuclear test that South Korean and U.S officials say could take place at any time, the focus north of the border is on planting rice, cabbage and soybeans. In hamlets all along the DMZ, soldiers were knee-deep in mud and water as they helped farmers with the spring planting.

Inside the DMZ, hundreds of North Korean soldiers marched in a line with backpacks. On a hilltop above them in North Hwanghae province, Col. Kim Chang Jun said they were being dispatched to farms ? but still prepared for war if need be.

"From the outside, it looks peaceful: farmers are out in the fields, children are going to school," he said. "But behind the scenes, they are getting ready for war. They're working until midnight but come morning, if the call comes, they'll be ready to go to battle."

To the west, inside the Joint Security Area that is the heart of the DMZ, a tense quiet hangs over the area that divides North from South. This is the spot that foreign tourists see, a stage where the observation decks, pavilions, pine trees, cherry blossoms and azaleas belie the tanks and traps hidden from view along the 2.5-mile-wide (4-kilometer) buffer zone.

South Korean soldiers stand with fists curled at their hips in a combat-ready mode borrowed from taekwondo. Across the way, a unit of North Korean soldiers goosesteps into position, rifles slung across their backs. Visitors on a tour bus from the South Korean side peer up at a North Korean building known as Panmungak.

Because of the tensions, tourists are not allowed inside the three blue conference halls straddling the border, North Korean Lt. Col. Nam Dong Ho said. Typically, they are allowed to go into the meeting rooms as soldiers from both Koreas stand guard.

"This is a place that the whole world is watching, so of course it seems quiet on the surface," said Nam, who guides tours to Panmungak. But he said the prospect of war is always on the minds of soldiers manning the world's most militarized border.

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't worry about war?" he told the AP on Tuesday. "We don't want a war. But if the American imperialists provoke us unjustifiably, we will answer with a nuclear war."

Since early March, North Korea has steadily and dramatically ramped up the rhetoric warning of a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula, though it has quieted in recent days.

South Korean soldiers walk through smoke as they take part in an anti-terror and security drill at the Integrated Government Complex in Sejong, south of Seoul, April 17, 2013. North Korea issued new ... more? South Korean soldiers walk through smoke as they take part in an anti-terror and security drill at the Integrated Government Complex in Sejong, south of Seoul, April 17, 2013. North Korea issued new threats against South Korea on Tuesday, vowing "sledge-hammer blows" of retaliation if South Korea did not apologize for anti-North Korean protests the previous day when the North was celebrating the birth of its founding leader. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY) less? ?

Leader Kim Jong Un ordered soldiers in charge of North Korea's arsenal of missiles on standby and North Korean officers at the front line severed communications with the South Korean military.

North Korea takes issue with tightened U.N. sanctions punishing Pyongyang for carrying out a long-range rocket launch in December and conducting a nuclear test in February in violation of Security Council resolutions. Pyongyang also is incensed by joint U.S.-South Korean military drills taking place now south of the border, annual exercises that this year have included nuclear-capable bombers and fighter jets.

South Korean defense officials say the North has moved missiles to the east coast, including a medium-range missile believed to be designed to strike U.S. territory, but there has been no indication of when they might test-fire the weapon.

When asked about North Korea's plans to fire a missile, Lt. Col. Nam said he didn't know anything specific, adding with a chuckle, "That's a national secret, top secret among secrets.

"But we have made it clear: Our army is capable of striking any place on earth."

As diplomats in the region conferred about how to bring down the tension and rein in an increasingly belligerent Pyongyang, Nam and Col. Kim reiterated in separate interviews this week that North Koreans want peace. But they said North Korea will not give up its nuclear weapons, seen here as a necessary deterrence against the powerful "American imperialists."

"We want to live peacefully and happily, but we will not sit by for one second if we are provoked," said Kim, whose job involves telling tourists about a concrete wall that the North says the South built in the late 1970s just south of the DMZ. North Korea considers the structure an affront to the goal of reunification.

"If a (nuclear) war breaks out, the death and destruction would be heartbreaking," Kim said. "But we may have no other course but to defend ourselves if we are provoked."

It remains unclear how far North Korea's nuclear weapons program has progressed in the years since six-nation negotiations to provide aid in exchange for nuclear disarmament fell apart in 2009. After pledging to mothball its plutonium-processing plant in 2008, Pyongyang announced last month that it would restart the facilities and continue enriching uranium, which experts say would provide North Korea with a second way to make atomic bombs.

Last month, Kim Jong Un enshrined the pursuit of nuclear weapons, along with building the economy, as key goals for the nation.

Col. Kim, at the lookout point along the DMZ, called nuclear weapons "the lifeblood" of North Korea. "If we don't have nuclear weapons, we'll continue to be threatened by outside forces."

For the moment, however, the labor of many North Korean soldiers is turned to the land. Spring is arriving slowly this year in North Korea, pushing back the crucial planting season by a month. Impoverished North Korea struggles to feed its 24 million people, with the U.N. estimating that two-thirds of the population cope with chronic food shortages.

Farmers in Panmunjom-ri, the North Korean village inside the DMZ, were busy planting rice, cabbage, soybeans and radish in fields surrounded by barbed wire and anti-tank barriers.

Elsewhere, faces flushed and still in their uniforms, men and women soldiers waded into muddy paddies and bent down with fistfuls of spinach to plant.

Around them, red banners fluttered in the wind. One read, "At a breath," a phrase urging North Koreans to work hard. The other read, "Defend to the death."


Follow AP's bureau chief in Pyongyang at www.twitter/newsjean.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nkorean-soldiers-put-down-arms-help-plant-crops-121956680.html

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UCF Lecturer Placed on Leave Following Reference to ... - UCF News

Academics, Beyond UCF, News, UCF Administration ? By Jacob Sadowsky on April 24, 2013 at 11:29 pm Tweet

A lecturer at UCF?s Rosen College of Hospitality Management has been placed on administrative leave following a reference to ?a killing spree? he made during class, according to media outlet Local 6.

According to Local 6, Dr. Hyung-il Jung?s held an optional review session for his Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting class on Thursday and about 25 people showed up. That?s when Dr. Jung is said to have made the comment to his class.

?Dr. Jung?s comment to his class was completely inappropriate,? Chad Binette, UCF Director of News & Information, told Local 6. ?Although most of his students interpreted the comment as a joke, we are pleased that one of them came forward and informed the university about it.?

According to Local 6, Dr. Jung has been placed on administrative leave while the university investigates what happened during the review session. The media outlet also reports that UCF officials have spoken to Dr. Jung who said he regrets making the reference.

UCF police also are investigating, according to Local 6.

Source: http://knightnews.com/2013/04/ucf-lecturer-placed-on-leave-following-reference-to-killing-spree-report/

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Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Fest: Movies That Go Beyond Coming ...

During his eight years as executive director of the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (MGLFF), Franc Castro has seen change. "The characters have a lot more depth and are dealing with issues beyond coming out. This is exciting because our sexuality is only a part of who we are," he explains.

While "coming out" was once a prevailing theme in gay cinema, LGBT films have progressed right along with the people whose stories they tell. Universal themes such as unrequited love, triumph over adversity, and loss of innocence are prominent, as are quirky comedies, riveting documentaries, and even Mean Girls-esque teen flicks featuring highly recognizable adult actors in supporting roles as parents and teachers.

La Partida is set in cuba.

La Partida is set in cuba.

Location Info


G.B.F.: 8 p.m. Friday, April 26, at the Gusman Theater, 174 E. Flagler St., Miami. Tickets cost $10, or $25 for both the film and opening-night gala.

In the Name Of: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 2, and 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 5, at O Cinema Miami Shores, 9806 NE Second Ave., Miami Shores. Tickets cost $11.

La Partida: 9:15 p.m. Sunday, May 5, at O Cinema Miami Shores, 9806 NE Second Ave., Miami Shores. Tickets cost $11.

Out in the Dark: 9:15 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at the Gusman Theater, 174 E. Flagler St., Miami. Tickets cost $10, or $25 for both the film and party.

The Rugby Player: 8 p.m. Monday, April 29, at the Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach. Tickets cost $11.

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 4, and 5 p.m. Sunday, May 5, at Coral Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables. Tickets cost $9.

This year's program features more than 65 films screened throughout ten days. That's a long way from the first festival 15 years ago, which featured 25 films during one weekend. Castro plans for MGLFF to continue growing under his direction. "We are bringing films that have world-premiered at Toronto International, Sundance, Berlin, South by Southwest, and Tribeca. We are the first major LGBT film festival on the calendar in North America, so in the next five years, I want to further solidify our position as one of the top LGBT film festivals, alongside Frameline in San Francisco, the oldest and largest LGBT film festival; Outfest in Los Angeles, the industry LGBT film festival; and Inside Out in Toronto, Canada's largest LGBT film festival."

With HBO Latin America as a sponsor and James Franco attending this year to receive an Ally Award, MGLFF shouldn't have much trouble becoming one of the world's top LGBT film festivals.

Castro was hesitant to choose favorites among this year's crop of 65 films. But we persisted, and he ultimately obliged. Here's what he has to say about the six MGLFF films you do not want to miss.

G.B.F.: Not surprisingly, the 2013 opening-night film ranks among Castro's top picks. Director Darren Stein, known for the colorful cult high school film Jawbreaker, hasn't strayed far from his previous subject matter. "G.B.F. is about popular girls fighting over the most sought-after accessory ? a gay best friend," Castro says. "We will be the first LGBT film festival to screen the film."

Out in the Dark: "This Israeli film will have you on the edge of your seat. The ending is intense," Castro raves. Out in the Dark tells the story of Nimer, a Palestinian student who falls in love with an Israeli lawyer and finds himself in an impossible limbo, denied acceptance for his nationality and his sexuality. MGLFF will host a Q&A with director Michael Mayer at the screening; the film will also follow Franco's Ally Award presentation.

The Rugby Player: In light of recent, potentially terrorist-driven bombings in Boston, the subject matter of The Rugby Player is particularly resonant. It's "a film about Mark Bingham, who was a passenger on the United flight on 9/11. It is believed that Mark, along with other passengers, stormed the cockpit and brought the plane down in rural Pennsylvania and prevented the terrorists from reaching the intended target of Washington, D.C. Mark was an avid videographer, so there is a lot of great footage of his life," Castro explains. MGLFF's screening marks the world premiere of the film, and Bingham's mother, Alice Hoagland, will be present.

In the Name Of: A tale about a conflicted gay priest might sound clich?d. But Castro insists there's more to Polish director Malgoska Szumowska's In the Name Of than first appears. "This film is beautifully shot and is topical with all the changes happening with the Catholic Church," he explains, noting the film won this year's prestigious Teddy Award for Best Feature.

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow: This surprising Taiwanese film, Castro says, is "one of the best comedies I have seen in a long time." The story of ever-changing relationships, both in and out of marriage, won over audiences in Berlin and at Tribeca before making its LGBT festival premiere in Miami.

La Partida: Perhaps the most resonant film for Miami audiences will be La Partida. "This film shows not only the harsh reality of being gay in Cuba, but also the harsh reality of life on the island," Castro says. "It's a late entry into the festival, but anyone who comes to see the film will realize why it was a necessity to include in our film program this year."

More than 65 films, several filmmaker Q&A sessions, and other special events will take place this Friday through May 5 at venues across the city. Ticket prices vary. Visit mglff.com.

Source: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2013-04-25/film/miami-gay-and-lesbian-film-festival-2013/

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

AP twitter hacking causes stocks to fall

>>> welcome back. right now the dow is down about 12 point. but it is much calmer on wall street than we witnessed yesterday afternoon. the government is looking into the hacking of the associated press's twitter account which referred to a flash crash. it created a post saying there were explosions at the white house and the president was injured. the dow plunged more than 140 point wiping out more than $140 billion before gaining it all back. joining me live now, tyler mathisen , co-anchor of cnbc's "power lunch." i'm curious, looking at the tick tock , tyler , how soon before people realize what happened there.

>> it happened quickly. i was on the air at the time, tamron , and my cohost, sue herera , noticed that dow dove about 150 point there, very quickly. and there was a lot of scurrying down on the floor of the new york stock exchange . simultaneously, i was hearing in my ear that this hack and presumably, we knew very quickly, that it was a bogus hack, had taken place, and that that probably explained it. it was a matter of a couple of minutes. one of the things we don't know yet, tamron , and really one of the focuses of the investigation, is whether this attack was simply a malicious party trying to unnerve a nation already on edge after the boston bombings last week or whether it could have been someone somewhere trying to profit by the very quick down and up that it caused in the stock market . because if you put that kind of fake tweet out there, you know that the markets are going to pick it up and react negatively.

>> i think, tyler , you know because this is your business. but i think most people would be stunned to know that based on a tweet, that the markets could swing in such a way so give me -- educate us on how that works, of all things that a tweet could cause that.

>> sort of yes and no, tamron . the market reacts to rumors all the time. rumors there's been a bombing at an oil installation in nigeria. or things that are filtered through one way or another. somebody tells somebody. what is different now is the speed and the transmission method, in this case, by twitter. and what happened in this case, clearly, is that there are an awful lot of program traders, who are following lots of different feeds. news feeds, twitter feeds, all kind of sources. and those traders' computers pick up the feeds. pick up the language they would see, ap, bombs, white house , and immediately, they would send cell signals, ask questions later, or react now. so that how it really happens. is it these were all computerized trades that o were getting executed, based on the alga rhythms in the system. just like google used algorithms to lead you to searches somewhere, those algorithms prompt trading.

>> okay, tyler mathisen , thank you. let's we heard tyler complain, but it still leaves you scratching your head when you think about the amount of money wiped out, even though it was earned back, how does this happen? what's the next step in making sure it doesn't?

>> i think the more disturbing thing is that unlike a run of the mill rumor, this appeared to be an official ap report. from what we can tell now, someone hack need the twitter page --

>> well, if we learned anything last week, reports could be wrong. if you didn't know it, after last week, you know it now. so the tweet was not verified.

>> we do put a certain amount of credibility in gate keepers that we trust. if msnbc came out with a tweet, you would react to it differently than if your friend, joe, came out with a tweet. charles schwab , which hosts trillions of dollars of our assets, bank accounts and trading, their website was hacked for about an hour and a half. you couldn't get on the website. it happened again this morning for periods of time between 10:00 and 12:00 . imagine if you have a rumor hitting and charles schwab 's site down because of hacking, this is one of those risk factors. unless you keep your stuff in cash in a mattress or gold, there is nothing can you do about it.

>> does it speak to the biggerish university frailty? we talk about washington, all street and how big women an guys are doing, but nevertheless, this is still a fragile situation.

>> and when it is electronically enhanced, and tyler is right, a lot of this is computer driven and al algorithm, it can all spiral down quickly. but it can also spiral up quickly.

>> all right, thank you very

Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/653377/s/2b206701/l/0Lvideo0Bmsnbc0Bmsn0N0Cid0C516480A35/story01.htm

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