Friday, March 30, 2012

5.5 Real Estate Video Marketing Keyword Research Tips - Andy ...

Yesterday, I wrote a post about the 4 types of keywords for your video marketing success where I gave you a list of 4 different types of keywords you can use to really boost your video marketing efforts.? In that post I promised you I would give you some video marketing keyword research tips to help you find those ideal keywords to use as topics of your videos.? Keywords for video marketing are much different than keywords you would use to drive traffic to your website.? I never like to disappoint, so here are your video marketing keyword research tips:

1.???? Use Google Keyword Tool to see what keywords people are searching for that are related to real estate.? Look for keywords with 3,000 + local monthly searches.? Write those down and actually search those keywords for videos.

2.???? Reverse engineering your competitors? videos is a great way to do some reconnaisance work.? This is done by clicking on the graph button underneath the video player to the right of the display of the number of video views.? You can see lots of interesting demographics and stats as to who is watching your competitions? videos, why the video gets the views, and where the views are coming from (which keywords are being used to find the videos).

3.???? Look for keywords with upward trends using Google Insights.? You are looking for keywords that have an upward trend rather than downward (or flat).? Keywords trending up are being searched more frequently than downward trending videos. ?However, as you can see by the chart below, our industry is trending downward.? So, think about what your family, friends, and clients are asking you about that is real estate related and search those trends, ie foreclosures, short sales, etc.

4.???? Follow!/YouTubeTrends? to see what is trending on YouTube.? This is a great way to get current event keywords that we discussed in yesterday?s post.

5.???? If you are not on Twitter, then go to to see what is hot on YouTube right now.

5.5This really doesn?t have to do with your keyword research, but it is not a bad idea to watch your competition closely.? Do this by going to Google Alerts and setting up video alerts for your keywords to see who is posting videos related to your subject.


Try these 5.5 tips when you are researching keywords for your video topics, and you will be far ahead of your competition.? Following this system will lead to more views for your videos and more business due to more exposure from those views.? If you have another great strategy for researching keywords for real estate video marketing, then please leave that below in the comments section.


Tags: video marketing for real estate, video marketing for real estate agents, YouTube for Real Estate


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