Monday, February 4, 2013

Caille Daouine: Adventure roleplay

Caille Daouine
What would you do?
If strange occurrences began to take place.
If people you know suddenly become strangers?
whilst people you don?t know become intimate and friendly.

What would you do if deaths were on the brink of occurring?
If your blood wasn?t all human.
If suddenly?you were no longer all human.
If something unknown out there wanted you.

What would you do?

The world is not what we thought. Humans are far from the superior beings they make themselves out to be. On reading the following information, you?ll begin to question if the earth really is round because you?ll have fallen straight off the edge and into a strange new world of entirely new possibilities...

Places are avaliable [here]

Alittle about me, because you'll be roleplaying with me. My name is Bea, I have been writing since I was 7 years old and I am now 19, if yu haven't already guessed I am female. I love roleplaying because it allows for me to collaborate with others when writing. I hope you find this roleplay interesting enough to join, I reassure you it will be worth it.


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