Monday, May 27, 2013

Man's Video Gaming Prompts Wife To Petition For Divorce - Kotaku

A young Chinese man in Sichuan province is in a little hot water with his wife and the courts because of his affinity for video games. The man, Zhang Ping, is being taken to court by his wife for neglecting his household chores in order to play online games, reports News

25 year-old Zhang Ping married his college sweet heart, Wang Juan, in 2011. The two enjoyed a short period of marital bliss before everything started to go wrong. Originally, Zhang was a "model husband;" after returning home from work, Zhang would help Wang with the household chores.

Late last year, Zhang started to change. According to Wang, Zhang became lazy. Instead of helping his wife around the house, Zhang began laying around playing video games. Whenever Wang asked Zhang for help with anything, his reply was to blow her off. Help make dinner, "the weather is too hot, let's go out and eat." Help clean the floor, "why bother? The floor is clean." Zhang's favorite excuse to use was this one: "I work all day, my work is boring, I need to relax. Video games excite me, it helps me relax".

Zhang's reluctance to do any house work caused a lot of grief between the couple. Wang says the couple would fight and argue all the time because of Zhang's attitude. When it got too much for her, she decided to petition the courts for a divorce from her husband.

Wang's petition cites Zhang lacks responsibility, and that he is an overly selfish man with an attitude problem.

At the court hearing, Zhang said he doesn't agree with his wife's request for divorce and is willing to work things out. Unfortunately for Wang, the courts also didn't agree. The judge asked the two to work together to reach a mutual understanding.

After listening to the judge, Wang agreed to drop the lawsuit against her husband.

Top photo: Tom Wang /

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Eric is Beijing based writer and all around FAT man. You can contact him @ or follow him on Twitter @FatAsianTechie.


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