Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Newest 3D-Printed Gun Is Far More Dangerous For Much Cheaper

After the stir several weeks ago, buzz surrounding Defense Distributed's 3D-printed gun has begun to (somewhat) die down. This is probably due in part to Kim Dotcom's removal of the gun's blueprint from Mega and the fact that, frankly, the gun itself isn't much of an immediate threat. But as one potential threat dissipates, just like clockwork, a new one has appeared on the horizon. And any fear creeping up on you with this newest incarnation of the 3D-printed gun might actually be warranted.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/C87olkiq4Lw/the-newest-3d-printed-gun-is-far-more-dangerous-for-muc-508921619

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