Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Obama challenges GOP to accept corporate tax deal

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) ? Seeking to ease Washington gridlock, President Barack Obama on Tuesday challenged Republicans to accept a new fiscal deal to cut corporate tax rates in exchange for more government spending on jobs programs.

The offer was immediately panned by GOP lawmakers, who accused the president of repacking proposals he already supports and making no concessions to the opposing party.

Obama announced the new offer during a visit to a massive plant in Chattanooga, Tenn. He said "serious people" in both parties should accept his deal.

"I'm willing to work with Republicans on reforming our corporate tax code, as long as we use the money from transitioning to a simpler tax system for a significant investment in creating middle-class jobs," Obama said. "That's the deal."

Administration officials cast the corporate tax proposal as the first new economic idea the president plans to offer in the coming months. With budget deadlines looming this fall, the White House is seeking to refocus Obama's agenda on the economy in order to rally public support for his ideas and increase his leverage over the GOP.

Obama and Republicans have both long supported changes to the corporate tax code. But they differ over key details, including the exact rate and what should be done with any revenue generated by the changes.

Georgia Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson, one of a handful of GOP senators meeting regularly with the White House on budget issues, also lambasted the administration Tuesday for seeking to split corporate tax reform from individual rates.

"You can't do that," Isakson said. "That'll never fly."

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who has also been talking regularly with the White House said, "Everything should be negotiated, but certainly I'm not in support of it."

The disagreement was even deeper from House Republican leadership, with Speaker John Boehner's office accusing the White House of blindsiding lawmakers with the proposal. The White House said later that senior officials had tried to brief Boehner's staff about the offer on Tuesday, but their phone calls were not returned until the next morning, after the proposal was detailed in media reports.

Like Republicans, the president has previously called for tax reform to be coupled with an individual tax overhaul. His new offer drops that demand and calls only for lowering the corporate rate from 35 percent to 28 percent, with an even lower effective tax rate of 25 percent for manufacturers.

In exchange, Obama wants lawmakers to pour the revenue generated from the tax changes into job creation programs, such as manufacturing, infrastructure or community colleges.

"If we're going to give businesses a better deal, we're going to give workers a better deal, too," Obama said.

Administration officials wouldn't put a price tag on the proposal or say how much money should be spent on the jobs programs

Officials said money to pay for the job creation programs would come from a one-time revenue boost from measures such as changing depreciation rules or having a one-time fee on earnings held overseas.

The White House also said the president will continue to seek changes to the individual tax rate as part of a larger "grand bargain" with the GOP. But with the prospects of such a deal growing increasingly slim, Obama advisers say they've opted to isolate an area of tax reform where they believe they have more agreement with Republicans.

When Obama first unveiled his corporate tax plan last year, congressional Republicans called for even deeper cuts for the business world. His campaign rival, Mitt Romney, wanted a 25 percent corporate tax rate.

The U.S. has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, but many businesses avoid the full cost by taking advantage of deductions, credits and exemptions that Obama wants to eliminate.

Obama wants to do away with corporate tax benefits like oil and natural gas industry subsidies, special breaks for the purchase of private jets and certain corporate tax shelters. He also wants to impose a minimum tax on foreign earnings, a move opposed by multinational corporations and perhaps the most contentious provision in the president's plan.

The backdrop for Obama's remarks Tuesday was an Amazon fulfillment center in Chattanooga, one of more than a dozen warehouses operated by the world's largest online retailer.

The company announced Monday that it would add 7,000 new jobs, including 5,000 more at U.S. distribution centers that currently employ about 20,000 workers who pack and ship customer orders. Inc. has been spending heavily on order fulfillment to help its business grow.

The plant was the source of tax controversy when it opened; Amazon originally was granted an indefinite waiver on collecting sales tax in a deal to bring two distribution centers to Tennessee. The state's retailers were outraged that they were put at a competitive disadvantage, and Amazon has agreed to start collecting Tennessee sales tax next year.

The White House said Obama wasn't visiting Amazon because of the company's position on taxes, but because it's an example of a successful American business growing and creating more jobs.


Associated Press writers Julie Pace and Josh Lederman in Washington contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

US Open of Surfing Featured Riots, Port-a-Potty Races and Girl Fights in the Streets of Huntington Beach, California [Video]

The Vans U.S. Open of Surfing came to a close Sunday in Huntington Beach, California. As fans left the beach and spilled into the streets, fights broke out and portable toilets were tipped over. Pretty unchill, but sometimes a bro has to express himself and there aren?t any good waves to be caught. It took police a few hours, but they were able to stop the riot using pepper spray and an undercover Eff-Bee-Eye agent who used to play college football.

The Inertia has more videos and one really disgusting NSFW picture.

The action got started earlier in the week with a girl fight. Hashtag: ?bikini sucker punch.?




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Monday, July 29, 2013

Washington and big box retailers in high stakes showdown


11 hours ago

Mayor Vincent Gray of Washington, D.C.

J. Scott Applewhite / AP file

Mayor Vincent Gray of Washington, D.C.

Wal-Mart has a reputation to protect: Its legendary, bare-knuckled labor tactics.

That's why the world?s largest retailer has threatened to scrap at least three of six stores planned for the nation?s capital if the city signs into law a bill requiring big-box stores to pay workers at least $12.50 an hour. Six other retailers have jumped on board, sending a letter to D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray that warned, ?Any future plans for retail expansion in the city must be revisited.?

It?s a showdown labor experts predict will be repeated in other cities, as cash-strapped municipalities try to pare back public assistance for the working poor and large retailers look to America?s cities for future growth.

Proponents of the wage bill, formally called the Large Retailer Accountability Act, call Wal-Mart a bully.

?They are known to be quite resolute, willing to take local losses in order to maintain a reputation,? said Gary Burtless, labor economist at the Brookings Institution. ?It would be a huge blow to that negotiating stance if they ceded to demands from the District of Columbia.?

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research agreed: ?If they?re seen to just be making idle threats after they?ve built up such a reputation, that would be a huge cost to them.?

Robin Sherk, Kantar Retail?s director of Retail Insights, offered an alternative for Wal-Mart -- that it offer grocery delivery service operating out of a suburban base, or downsize its planned Supercenters so its store footprints fall below the 75,000-square-foot threshold stipulated by the bill. Walmart Neighborhood Markets average about 38,000 square feet.

?Wal-Mart definitely views the urban environment as a growth area,? Sherk said. ?I don?t think they?ll give up on D.C. ... They?ll evaluate other options.?

Retail and labor experts agree that the chain will walk away, taking a loss if necessary, on some or all of its planned stores if the wage bill prevails.

This prospect strikes fear in the heart of local developers, who were counting on Wal-Mart?s draw as an anchor tenant to attract other stores and financing.

Developer Gary Rappaport told the Washington Post, ?If there?s not a Wal-Mart at Skyland (Town Center), then Skyland is not able to go forward at this time.?

Wal-Mart said that in addition to abandoning the three projects still in the planning stage, it ?will start to review the financial and legal implications on the three stores already under construction.?

Typically, a store would be locked into a lease agreement once lenders come on board and construction begins. Getting out of that could be expensive for Wal-Mart at this stage ? two of the stores were scheduled to open this fall ? but developers could be left holding the bag if they were so eager to get Wal-Mart on board that they wrote an option to terminate into their contracts.

?When you?re trying to attract a retailer like Wal-Mart, you do a lot of unconventional things,? Maloney said. ?You will need to stretch a bit.?

City administrators have been trying to get Skyland off the ground for more than two decades now, and the prospect of another setback frustrates Victor Hoskins, deputy mayor for planning and economic development. Washington, D.C. has invested between $25 million and $30 million in the project.

Hoskins said other big-box chains were considering abandoning D.C. for the suburbs if the mayor signs the bill. ?We?ve heard from a couple of large format retailers," he said. "They?re concerned.?

Hoskins argued that the jobs and sales tax revenue big-box retailers would bring are something the city can?t afford to lose, but supporters of the wage bill charge that big-box stores like Wal-Mart inflict hidden costs on taxpayers and municipalities.

?We want to make sure we don?t allow large retailers to come in and pay poverty wages ? which basically is going to compel this government to pick up all the social costs,? said Vincent Orange, Washington, D.C. council member at large. ?I know that the wage Wal-Mart wants to pay will continue to have D.C. residents seeking public assistance in a number of ways.?

Wal-Mart says its average non-supervisory worker pay is nearly $12 an hour, but since that doesn?t include part-time or temp workers, critics call the number inflated. In 2011, research company IBISWorld estimated that Walmart sales associates earned an average of $8.81 an hour, and department managers earned an average of $11.22 an hour.

Orange pointed to a report issued in May by the Democratic staff of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, which said every Wal-Mart Supercenter ?may cost taxpayers about one million dollars in higher usage of public-assistance programs? by workers and their families.

Burtless, the Brookings labor economist, concurred: ?As a nation, we?ve expanded programs that provide income supplements to low-wage workers ... It does work to the benefit of Wal-Mart as well as other low-wage companies in the U.S.?

Despite retailers? protestations, experts predict that the pull of the market will eventually be too much to resist.

?For [Wal-Mart] to continue to grow in America, it needs to grow in urban areas,? including Northeastern and Midwestern cities with strong pro-union roots, said Paul Osterman, professor of human resources and management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ?That?s why these fights are so bitter.?

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Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls Egypt?s Military Chief Worse than Pharaoh, Compares Him to ?Zionist Enemies and Their Treacherous Agents?

The Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Leader is accusing Egypt's military chief who forced former President Mohammed Morsi out of power of acting worse than Pharaoh, comparing his behavior in recent days to "the bitter Zionist enemies and their treacherous agents."

This latest tirade from Supreme Leader Mohammed Badie comes on the heels of bloody weekend clashes between supporters of Morsi and security forces that claimed the lives of 72 people, according to the Health Ministry, Egypt Independent reports.

Badie is accusing Defense Minister and Commander of the Egyptian Military Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of "committing massacres the likes of which we have only seen committed by the bitter Zionist enemies and their treacherous agents."

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls Egypt's Military Chief Worse than Pharaoh, Compares Him to Zionist Enemies and Their Treacherous AgentsMohammed-Badi-Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammad Badie (File photo: AP)

He also accused Israel of pulling the strings behind the scenes of the so-called Arab Spring protests that have gripped the Arab world for the past two years, attributing to the Jewish state expansionist ambitions. "Zionist fingers are at play in countries of the Arab Spring, so as to fulfill the vision of the Great Israel."

Badie continued with his theory, accusing the "Zionists" (i.e. Israel) of planting assassins in Libya and Tunisia to target more secular political activists opposed to Islamist rule.

Ynet reports that Badie suggested that Gen. Sisi is worse than the biblical Pharaoh. Badie said that Pharaoh killed children of believers and let women live, while Sisi and the security forces "are worse; you kill everybody."

The Egyptian presidency says it is "saddened" by the weekend bloodshed but linked the killings to "terrorism."

Al Arabiya reports that Mostafa Hegazy, an adviser to interim President Adly Mansour, told reporters, "We are saddened by the spilling of blood on the 27th." But he added "we cannot decouple this [incident] from the context of terrorism."

For their part, demonstrators and Morsi supporters accuse security forces of having used live fire against unarmed protesters on Saturday. Al Arabiya reports that the Interior Ministry insists security forces fired only tear gas.

An investigation has been launched into the circumstances behind Saturday's bloody events. Hegazy says the Egyptian leadership will "be taking a stance after investigation ends, regardless of whoever is found responsible."

But even before the investigation ends, he is calling the protest site in Cairo a "terror-originating spot," adding "There is a wave of terror and we will break this wave."

Besides Badie, other Brotherhood officials are also firing back against the new Egyptian leadership. Ynet reports that senior Freedom and Justice Party [linked with the Muslim Brotherhood] official Essam el-Erian posted on Facebook, "They will not be content until they bring back everything from the era of the corrupt, murderous security and intelligence state."

"They've stepped up their efforts to do so by committing massacres never before seen in Egyptian history," he added.

Badie has made a variety of anti-Israel statements in the past including a call for Muslims to wage "Holy Jihad" to conquer Jerusalem from Israel.

He has also referred to Jews repeatedly as "apes" and "pigs" in his speeches.? Here is one example cited by the Investigative Project: "The Zionists, the West and the lackey rulers conspired together. If the Muslim Brotherhood had remained in the field, the Zionist Entity would not have stood not its flag raised. Of old God forced the Jews to become pigs," Badie said in a 2010 sermon.


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UnthreadedJB Brings iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak For CDMA iPhone 4 [VIDEO]


Well, we?ve got today?s strangest announcement out of the way nice and early, it would seem. In fact, we?d argue it?s the month?s oddity, too. It?s so off the wall, we had to read and re-read it just to make sure we had it right. Turns out, we did.

See, a new untethered jailbreak has just hit the internet, but before you all rush out to download it, there?s one very specific problem ? the chances are it?s useless to you.

Called UnthreadedJB and released by a group going by the same name, this particular work of magic does indeed offer an untethered jailbreak option, but only if you meet a selection of criteria, and we?re willing to bet that you don?t.

iOS 5 Pwned (2)

If it sounds like we?re less than excited by the prospect of a shiny new untethered jailbreak, let?s explain just what the situation needs to be in order for it to be of any use; firstly, you need an iPhone 4. Next up, that iPhone 4 needs to be a CDMA-only device. If you tick those two boxes, then the third may just catch you out. Oddly enough, this particular jailbreak is for devices running iOS 5.1, and iOS 5.1 alone.

We can?t help that this was released after someone needed it for themselves and then decided to launch it publicly. Either that, or the group in question knows something we don?t. The same group also claims to have exploits for jailbreaking iOS 6.1.3 / 6.1.4.


Of course, there?s still merit in what UnthreadedJB does. This is indeed the first jailbreak for iOS 5.1, with Absinthe jailbreak only working from 5.1.1. At least that?s how we remember it.

While we haven?t tried it as yet, the jailbreak has been confirmed to work by a number of well known devs on the web, including @Winocm on Twitter, so if you happen to fulfill the very specific set of requirements in order for this jailbreak to be of use, then you may want to give it a shot at

Oh, and we forgot to mention you?ll need to have Linux in order for it to work too, didn?t we?

(source: UnthreadedJB [Twitter])

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

In Bitcoin we trust: The Berlin district where virtual currency is as easy as cash

Is the virtual money known as Bitcoin the currency of the future? NBC News' Andy Eckardt reports from Berlin.

By Andy Eckardt, Producer, NBC News

BERLIN -- A sign above the counter of a popular bar in Berlin's hip Kreuzberg district warns customers of owner Joerg Platzer's somewhat peculiar payment preferences: "I believe in honest money -- gold, silver and Bitcoin."

Platzer's Room77 is among a cluster of more than two dozen local businesses to accept the virtual currency for everyday payments. Stickers with Bitcoin symbols on restaurant doors and shop windows guide the way.

Instead of paying with cash or cards, many of Platzer's customers use their Android phones to scan a code that the waitress pulls up on a tablet PC. In seconds, bitcoins are transferred to pay the bill.

"Bitcoin, as a free and decentralized currency, is a beautiful idea," Platzer said. "Thanks to Bitcoin, we have increased our customer base. On average, I would say, we now have between one and five Bitcoin customers per day and Berlin is experiencing some ... Bitcoin tourism."

Experts say that about 11 million bitcoins are in circulation today, worth an estimated $1 billion dollars.

Invented in 2009 by an anonymous programmer known only by the alias Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has been transformed from an experiment during the financial crisis to a viable currency.

Around the corner from Room77, Ivan Crncic's printing shop started accepting Bitcoin earlier this year. For the young entrepreneur, Bitcoin is a sign of the times.

"I see that people are very interested in learning about Bitcoin and favor the currency's transparency and its freedom from government control," the 29-year-old Crncic said.

Users purchase bitcoins with the help of special software that generates a pair of unique codes, the so-called private and public keys, that are linked using mathematical encryption.?Bitcoins are sent to someone?s public key; the private key is used to send payments.

The virtual money is stored in ?wallets,? the creation of Bitcoins is called ?mining? and a ?blockchain? describes a public ledger of all transactions in the Bitcoin network.

Start-ups like Berlin-based, a ?share economy? platform, say that the Bitcoin concept is working in their favor.

"The main advantage for our business is that we do not lose money on transaction fees because with Bitcoin there are none," said Alexander Lossenko, lead developer at

To avoid the risk of devaluation and strong fluctuation in Bitcoin prices, companies like often use services that convert bitcoins into euro or dollars instantly.

"It also opens new markets for us. In Russia, for example, PayPal does not exist, so Bitcoin offers another alternative for payments," Lossenko added.

Because Bitcoin is not controlled or regulated by a central bank, the money-transfer system is surrounded by legal uncertainty and could be subject to illicit use.

"If criminals, like the Mafia or other illegal organizations, start to use these systems for dubious activities, then it is something to worry about," said Georg Erber, a cyber expert at the German Institute for Economic Research.

This month, the twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, best known for a legal battle against Facebook, filed a proposal with the Securities and Exchange commission that would allow investors to trade bitcoins.

The growing popularity of the online money system is now also drawing attention from mainstream financial institutions, security outlets and policymakers.

In a recent analysis, the European Central Bank concluded that the growth of virtual currencies will continue and warned that ?periodical examination of developments? is necessary.

Sebastian Galy, a New York-based senior currency strategist with Societe Generale, said that Bitcoin should be treated more like a "speculative commodity" than as a rival to dollars or euros.

"In this case the balance sheet is a fixed amount of coins which are distributed by some algorithm somewhere based on rules that have been set a while ago by someone we don't know,? he said. "So you could argue that it has some of the elements of a currency, but it is not really a very stable unit of measurement."

That volatility and day-to-day fluctuations could pose problems for small business owners trying to set prices.

But back in Berlin, which has been branded the "Bitcoin capital of the world," such warnings seem behind the times.

Netherlands native Florentina Martens opened up Floor's Cafe, a small and cozy coffee shop in Kreuzberg, this spring. Only a month later, she decided to offer Bitcoin as an alternative means of payment.

"The currency just fits the lifestyle here -- progressive, modern and often anti-establishment," said Martens, who has been living in Germany for four years.

Martens, 26, has not earned vast amounts of bitcoins yet.

"After all, I am selling cups of coffee," she added.

But her customers are getting more and more interested in the virtual money. "Many of the tourists that come to Kreuzberg, people from outside the community, applaud that they can pay with bitcoins here."

"Someday, I might exchange my bitcoins, but for now, I just use them for buying a burger around the corner," she said.



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San Diego mayor's therapy plan flops with critics

Mayor Bob Filner's announcement that he will undergo two weeks of full-time therapy defies leaders of his own political party who demanded he resign over allegations of sexual harassment.

The mayor's plans failed to appease many who called for San Diego's first Democratic leader in 20 years to step down less than eight months into his four-year term. Seven women identified themselves as targets of Filner's unwanted advances that include touching.

"Two weeks of therapy may help Bob Filner with his personal problems, but it does not help to address the needs of San Diego," said Laura Fink, a political consultant who alleges that Filner patted her buttocks at a 2005 fundraiser when she was deputy campaign manager for the then-congressman. She is one of seven women who have publicly identified themselves as targets of Filner's advances.

Scott Peters, a first-term Democratic congressman from San Diego, said the mayor would be unable to accomplish anything with controversy swirling around him.

"I understand the mayor feels like he wants help, and I think that's great," Peters said. "I just don't think it's appropriate for him to do it as mayor. It's pretty clear to me that he's not going to be in a position to lead the city."

Lucas Powell, who works at a coffee house in the upscale Point Loma area and voted for Filner, said he was unimpressed by Filner's announcement and believes the former 10-term congressman should step down as mayor.

"Two weeks isn't going change deep-seated opinions and behaviors," Powell, 30, said during a lull in business Friday night.

Julaine Rich, 45, called the two-week treatment plan "laughable" as she bought groceries nearby but was ambivalent about whether Filner should step down, partly because she was puzzled why it took years for some of the women to go public with detailed allegations.

Filner's problems began less than three weeks ago when a former councilwoman and onetime Filner supporter called for the mayor to step down, saying she had received credible evidence that he had harassed women.

On Monday, Filner's former communications director, Irene McCormack Jackson, became the first woman to publicly identify herself as target of Filner. McCormack, who took a $50,000 annual pay cut to join Filner's inner circle in January, filed a lawsuit claiming that the mayor asked her to work without panties, demanded kisses, told her he wanted to see her naked and dragged her in a headlock while whispering in her ear.

The other six women, who described their experiences to KPBS News, include Morgan Rose, a psychologist for the San Diego Unified School District who said the then-congressman repeatedly tried to kiss her during a 2009 meeting to discuss child welfare.

Veronica "Ronne" Froman, a retired rear admiral, said Filner once blocked a doorway after others left a meeting, ran his finger up her cheek and asked if she had a man in her life. Froman, who is known in San Diego as the "Navy Mayor" and has led the American Red Cross local chapter, said the incident occurred a couple years ago at Filner's congressional office.

Patti Roscoe, a businesswoman in the tourism and hospitality industry who knew Filner before he was elected to Congress in 1992, said Filner placed her in a "headlock" numerous times and tried to kiss her on the lips.

"I'd have to squirm to get away. And just as recently as a few months ago this happened. I turned and he just slobbered down my chin," Roscoe said.

Filner, who is 70 and divorced, apologized earlier this month by releasing a video statement in which he acknowledged disrespecting and sometimes intimidating women and said he was seeking professional help, but Friday's statement went further.

"The behavior I have engaged in over many years is wrong," he said at a nationally televised news conference. "My failure to respect women and the intimidating conduct I engaged in at times is inexcusable.

Filner said he will receive twice-a-day briefings about city operations while participating full-time in what he described as "intensive therapy" beginning Aug. 5. He said he would return on Aug. 19 and focus on "doing right by the city in terms of being the best mayor I can be, and the best person I must be."

"Words alone are not enough," he said. "I am responsible for my conduct and I must take responsibility for my conduct so that such conduct does not ever happen again."

Filner did not take any questions and his office did not say where he would be treated and whether the city would be asked to pay. City Attorney Jan Goldsmith said Filner, not the city, will pay for treatment..

Filner disclosed his plans hours after Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, urged him to resign and called his alleged behavior "reprehensible and indefensible." The San Diego County Democratic Party Central Committee voted 34-6 Thursday night to ask Filner to step down, and county party Chairwoman Francine Busby said Filner's two weeks of therapy didn't change that position.

Filner was served with a subpoena Friday to appear Aug. 9 to address allegations in the lawsuit filed against him and the city by his former communications director. He was served as he left a regional planning agency meeting.

"We have a bunch of questions," said Goldsmith, the city attorney. "Our goal is to get to the heart of it as quickly as possible."

Copyright 2013 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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UN Chief Calls for Release of Egypt?s Ousted President

RIA Novosti) - The UN secretary general has urged Egypt?s interim authorities to release overthrown President Mohammed Morsi, his spokesman said in a statement on Friday.

?Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood leaders currently in detention should be released or have their cases reviewed transparently without delay,? reads the statement, posted on Secretary General Ban Ki-moon?s official page.

The Egyptian army deposed Morsi, who narrowly won the country?s first free presidential election last June with 51.7 percent of the vote, following mass nationwide protests against the rule of the Islamist president. His current whereabouts remain unknown, but he is rumored to be kept in an undisclosed military location.

Morsi?s detention sparked nationwide protests and violent clashes between his supporters and opponents.

Meanwhile, the United States leadership remains undecided on whether the latest events in Egypt should be considered a military coup, Western media reported.

Briefing members of Congress on Thursday, US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns told them the administration was not legally bound to draw any conclusion whether or not the ouster of Morsi should be designated a coup, and that to make such a declaration would not be in the US interest, an unnamed senior official told Reuters.

A number of Congress members have demanded the Obama administration to end its aid to Egypt, estimated at nearly $1.5 billion a year. Under US law, most aid must stop to any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by "a coup d'etat or decree in which the military plays a decisive role."

RIA Novosti


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The Comics Reporter Video Parade

The Comics Reporter Original content ?2013 Tom Spurgeon. All rights reserved.
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Portrait of "Spurge" by Sam Henderson.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: College Enrollment Falls as Economy Recovers?.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: College Enrollment Falls as Economy Recovers. ?Hardest hit are likely to be colleges that do not rank among the wealthiest or most prestigious, and are heavily dependent on tuition revenue, raising questions about their financial health ? even their survival.?

All is proceeding as I have foreseen.


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Friday, July 26, 2013

The particular Benefit of a Red Mobile phone

Currently, choosing the color of the mobile phone is almost as vital as picking the unit by itself. Any time mobile phones first strike this picture, the actual uninteresting shades of black in addition to light tan colours had been at most a great rethink pertaining to consumers, Withal, currently the color is really a manner selection just like an excellent set as well as shoes matching A attire is essential for any daughter out partying. During number of years, seeing that cellular telephone technology possesses developed, the black levels, grays in addition to silvers that once dominated the actual world have got blossomed so that you can right now discover each and every color of your range showed. Reds, megrims, yellows, veggies as well as pinks rich person caused any sense amid cell phone potential buyers. Females especially usually are fascinated by the lilac cellphone, which come in several shades and also hues to get the veracious go with on your fashion. Many methods from light pink to a incredibly vivid lilac is usually your own house your can purchase dependant upon your cellphone supplier you bet tough anyone search for the right cope. During the last two years, the color pinkish has had away from not only in your cellular telephone manufacture however in the actual clothing marketplace also. The thing is that many techniques from a terrific way to to sports activities cycling tops in white, equally popular as sunshine, and it?s no real shock to find out the color take control this electronics planet too. Because color red turns into any style statement, plus the cellphone alone a new mode adjunct, the idea of delivering these unitedly is not short of master.

Mobile phones appear in all shapes and styles. The main mobile phone businesses, including Verizon, Cingular or even Big t-Mobile phone, present their unique versions through the major companies. Two of the most extremely popular lilac cellular phones on the market right now are the Motorola talkabout Razr and the Whirlpool Coffee. The Razr is regarded essentially the most pop phones in the cell phone sector, originally many people entered the state gray and light gray colour. After that, colorings widened for you to dark and outside of ultimately for you to green. The Razr is included with the most recent inside bluetooth technology in addition to with the v3m product to be a mp3 music player, way too. The particular Whirlpool Chocolate bars grew to be all the rage last capitulation whenever released, in the first place being released in black color. That right now delivers four colorings (ashen, green, crimson and also the authentic black) along with being released green by way of a few companies. The Candy includes a touch pad-similar to display and it is mp3 player ready besides. Many of the a smaller amount common white cell phones include the Talkabout Slvr, your Sanyo SCP-3100 plus the Sanyo Katana. The Slvr is actually gaining interest, whilst this Sanyo phones are usually a budget short-cut for those who are non replacing or simply here is a new phone out of commitment. The actual Slvr evolved into a much smaller sized pick for lovers from the Razr. It?s a similar attributes while using the extra advantage of not some sort of flip-earphone. Your Sanyo versions feature digicam mobile phones in addition to hands and wrists-free capabilities having an optionally available headphones. If you cann?t manage a new cellular phone or even upgrading, you can also stylise your own telephone using faceplates and also conditions. You can find instances, faceplates and various accessories to enhance your current cellphone. Your current cell phone supplier and also various web sites present ways for making ones cellular phone glow inwards green.

Red just isn?t ever the suitable semblance for every individual. Even though it is deemed a new mostly girl color, several adult males rich person indulged inside the color because of their cellphone in recent months. If you love the colour red, that complements your own attire otherwise you wish to take the latest manner design within the cellphone entire world, subsequently, the time has come to leap right inwards and try out and about a pink mobile phone through your vendor. Elect to have your own lilac mobile phone, only choose your local cellphone LongQuan Qing Jian service provider, and they?ll direct you towards the perfect telephone for you and also price range. In the event that all else fails, along with your regional supplier don?t even have the particular style for you, look at their internet site'azines on-line only for more alternatives throughout red. In case you decide to never collocate with the red cell phone, there are several colorings to select from, and will also be guaranteed to find the appropriate semblance for your requirements.


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Activision Community Manager Slams Gamers Who Post Death ...


Activision Community Manager Slams Gamers Who Post Death Threats

Yesterday we reported that after a typical patch released for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, several unhappy gamers took to Twitter to send the game?s designer death threats, a move which is undoubtedly uncalled for, but in a way almost expected since some gamers can be pretty passionate and obsessive about the games they play, and absolutely hate it when things are changed. In any case it seems like Activision?s Community Manager, Dan Amrich, did not take too kindly to Black Ops 2?s game designer being threatened and has written an entire editorial piece, slamming the gamers who thought it was alright to make those threats.

According to Amrich, ?If anybody thinks for a second that this is okay, it is not. But if the loudest voices in the Call of Duty ?community? act like an angry mob instead, guess how the entire world views Call of Duty? This is why the world often does not take gaming seriously; this is why gamers are assumed to be immature, whiny a**holes. Because the immature, whiny a**holes are louder.? What do you guys think? Do you agree that it?s because of these ?outspoken? gamers that sometimes being a gamer is viewed in a negative light?

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Egypt braces for rival rallies, army signals crackdown

By Yasmine Saleh and Asma Alsharif

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's army threatened on Thursday to shoot those who use violence in a stark warning before what both sides expect will be a bloody street showdown between Islamists and opponents of deposed President Mohamed Mursi.

An army official said the military had set Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood an ultimatum, giving it until Saturday to sign up to a plan for political reconciliation which it has so far spurned.

The army has summoned Egyptians into the streets on Friday in an intended turning point in its confrontation with followers of Mursi, the elected leader the generals removed on July 3.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which has maintained a street vigil for a month with thousands of supporters demanding Mursi's reinstatement, has called its own crowds out for counter-demonstrations across Egypt in a "day to remove the coup".

Both sides have dramatically escalated rhetoric before Friday's demonstrations. The Brotherhood accused the army of pushing the nation towards civil war and committing a crime worse than destroying Islam's holiest site.

In a Facebook post, the army said it will not "turn its guns against its people, but it will turn them against black violence and terrorism which has no religion or nation".

A military official said the army had given the Brotherhood 48 hours from Thursday afternoon to join the political process. He did not say what would happen if it refuses.

Army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has called on Egyptians to take to the streets and give him a "mandate" to act against the violence that has convulsed Egypt since he shunted its first freely elected president from power.

The Brotherhood, which has won repeated elections since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, accuses the authorities of stirring up the violence to justify their crackdown.

Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, an influential Egyptian cleric based in Qatar, issued a religious edict broadcast on Al Jazeera television urging soldiers to disobey orders to kill.

"I call on officers and soldiers in the Egyptian army not to listen to what al-Sisi says, or anyone else. Do not kill anyone. Do not kill your brothers. It is forbidden," Qaradawi declared.

The main anti-Mursi youth protest group, which has backed the army, said it would go to the streets to "cleanse Egypt".

The West is increasingly alarmed at the course taken by Egypt, a strategic hinge between the Middle East and North Africa, since protests in 2011 brought down Mubarak and ended decades of autocratic rule in the most populous Arab state.

Signaling its displeasure, Washington has delayed delivery of four F-16 fighter jets to Cairo. On Thursday, the White House urged the army to exercise "maximum restraint and caution".

The United States has yet to decide whether to call the military's takeover a "coup", language that would require it to halt $1.5 billion it sends in annual aid, mostly for the army.


For weeks, the authorities have rounded up some Brotherhood officials but tolerated the movement's presence on the streets, with thousands of people attending its pro-Mursi vigil and tens of thousands appearing at its demonstrations.

That patience seems to have run out. Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi, head of the interim cabinet installed by the army, said there was growing violence by increasingly well-armed protesters, citing a bomb attack on a police station.

"The presence of weapons, intimidation, fear - this causes concern, especially when there are calls for many to come out tomorrow from different sides," he told a news conference.

After a month nearly 200 people have died in political violence, many fear the protests will lead to more bloodshed.

Past incidents of violence have tended to run through the night and into the following day. Another security official forecast clashes beginning Friday night and stretching into Saturday, the period covered by the army's ultimatum. He also indicated that the two-day period was expected to be decisive.

"The history of Egypt will be written on those days," said the official, who asked not to be identified.

Reiterating his group's commitment to peaceful protest, senior Brotherhood politician Farid Ismail accused the security services of readying militias to attack Mursi supporters, adding that Sisi aimed to drag Egypt into civil war.

"His definition of terrorism is anyone who disagrees with him," Ismail told Reuters. "We are moving forward in complete peacefulness, going forward to confront this coup."

Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie accused Sisi of committing a crime worse than destroying the Kaaba - the site in Mecca to which all Muslims face when they pray - "brick by brick".

But many Egyptians are no less passionately backing the army, determined to see the Brotherhood reined in.

"There are men carrying guns on the street ... We will not let extremists ruin our revolution," said Mohammed Abdul Aziz, a spokesman for Tamarud, an anti-Mursi petition campaign that mobilized protests against his rule.

"Tomorrow we will cleanse Egypt," he told Reuters.


Sisi's speech on Wednesday pointed to the deepening confrontation between the Brotherhood and the military establishment, which has reasserted its role at the heart of government even as it says it aims to steer clear of politics.

Saying it moved against Mursi in response to the biggest popular protests in Egypt's history, the army installed an interim cabinet that plans to hold parliamentary elections in about six months, to be followed by a presidential vote.

The Brotherhood says it wants nothing to do with the transition plan. With Mursi still in military detention at an undisclosed location, there is slim hope for compromise.

Egypt remains deeply split over what happened on July 3. The Brotherhood accuses the army of ejecting a democratically elected leader in a long-planned coup, while its opponents say the army responded to the will of the people.

Sisi announced the nationwide rallies after the bombing of a police station in Mansoura, a city north of Cairo, in which a policeman was killed. The government called it a terrorist attack. The Brotherhood also condemned the bombing, accusing the establishment of seeking to frame it.

Since Mursi was deposed, hardline Islamist groups have intensified a violent campaign against the state in the lawless Sinai Peninsula, with near-daily attacks on the police and army.

Two more soldiers were killed on Thursday in an attack on a checkpoint, security and medical sources said.

At the Brotherhood protest camp near a Cairo mosque, Mursi supporters said they expected the army to provoke violence to justify its crackdown. "The army itself will strike. They will use thugs and the police," said medical student Sarah Ahmad, 24.

Essam wl-Erian, another senior Brotherhood politician, accused "the putschists" of trying to recreate a police state, telling a televised news conference: "This state will never return, and Egypt will not go backwards."

(Additional reporting by Tom Perry and Maggie Fick, Noah Browning, Tom Finn, Shadia Nasralla, Asma Alsharif and Omar Fahmy; Writing by Tom Perry and Matt Robinson; Editing by Peter Graff and Alistair Lyon)


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Google Launches Google Cast SDK For iOS, Android and Chrome, Lets Developers Stream Their Apps To Chromecast

google_cast_logoGoogle launched its $35 Chromecast device today that allows users to stream their Chrome tabs and videos to their TVs from virtually every popular platform. In addition, Google is also launching the Google Cast SDK for developers on iOS, Android and Chrome, which will allow them to enable their apps to stream right to their users TVs. The new SDK, which is officially in beta (or "preview," as Google calls it), will be available later today. The SDK, Google says, will enable interactions between devices and TV. Developers don't have to build new apps for this platform, the company stressed, but will be able to build on their existing mobile and web apps.


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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ghana falls again, ranks 94th in 2013 global innovation index

You Are Here: Home ? ICT, Lead Story ? Ghana falls again, ranks 94th in 2013 global innovation index

Page last updated at Wednesday, July 24, 2013 16:16 PM //

ICT_InternetGhana has once again fallen on the global innovation index. The country?s innovation status ranking slumped two places down to 94th in the 2013 edition of the index released by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) this month July.

The country placed 92nd and 70th in the 2012 and 2011 editions respectively.

According to the 2013 index which conducted innovation studies among 142 countries globally, Ghana made a score of 30.6 out of 100.

In sub-Sahara Africa, Ghana moved up from 6th in 2012 to 5th this year.

Ghana?s innovation output had a score of 27.3 ranking 95th while input was ranked 99th with a score of 33.9.

Globally, the United States rejoined the five most-innovative nations and the United Kingdom moved up to the third spot while Switzerland retained its first place in the rankings.

The GII 2013 looked at 142 economies around the world, using 84 indicators including the quality of top universities, availability of microfinance, venture capital deals ? gauging both innovation capabilities and measurable results.

This year?s GII report casts additional light on the local dynamics of innovation, an area which has remained under-measured globally. It shows the emergence of original innovation eco-systems, and signals a needed shift from a usual tendency to try and duplicate previously successful initiatives.

According to WIPO, despite the global economic crisis, innovation during the year was alive and well. It explains that research and development spending levels have surpassed 2008 levels in most countries as successful local hubs are thriving.

?Dynamic innovation hubs are multiplying around the world despite the difficult state of the global economy. These hubs leverage local advantages with a global outlook on markets and talent,? said WIPO Director General, Francis Gurry.

Mr Gurry noted ?For national-level policy makers seeking to support innovation, realizing the full potential of innovation in their own backyards is often a more promising approach than trying to emulate successful innovation models elsewhere.?

Published annually since 2007, the GII has become a benchmarking tool for business executives, policy makers and others seeking insight into the state of innovation around the world.

By Ekow Quandzie



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Microsoft: every Xbox One can be used as a developer's kit

Microsoft Xbox corporate vice president Marc Whitten said today that each Xbox One console sold will be able to function as a developer debug unit, unlike the current model of a specialized console needed, costing upwards of thousands of dollars. The move will allow developers to enter Xbox One development at a lower price point, with self-publishing becoming a possibility for the first time on Xbox Live.

Whitten commented that self-publishing on the new console is in the works, and has been for some time. "It's something we've been working on for a long time -- how do we shorten that process, how do we automate a lot of the core requirements checking and some of those things. That'll continue to be our focus around that." No specific speed of game approval was given, but the VP was hoping that it would be quicker than Apple's two-week timetable. "As games move towards games as a service, that becomes a more important part of the cycle. It's the reason that we dropped the title update fees, as an example. We'll announce more on the specifics, but our goal is frankly just to minimize that."

Currently, other than the Indie Game channel with XNA-developed games, participation in the Xbox 360 tools and middleware Program is generally restricted to those companies with good industry references and with significant prior experience. Xbox software may not be published or distributed to end users except by a licensed publisher who has signed an agreement with Microsoft.


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Colorado State football adds depth with addition of Saladin McCullough II and Willie Udofia Jr.

FORT COLLINS ? ? Colorado State football coach Jim McElwain announced Friday the team has picked up a pair of junior college transfers -- Saladin McCullough II and Willie Udofia Jr. -- who will be ready to play this season.

McCullough II is a cornerback out of Moorpark (Calif.) College; Udofia Jr. is a wide receiver from East LA College. Both come to the Rams at positions of need. At the end of spring camp, McElwain said the team would need incoming freshmen to compete for and play at both corner and wideout.

McCullough II comes in at 5-foot-10, 180 pounds after playing one season at Moorpark. He will be a sophomore this season, coming off a year in which he recorded 37 tackles, seven pass breakups and a trio of interceptions. He played his high school ball at Bishop Alemany in Mission Hills, Calif., where he was an all league and All-CIF selection as a senior.

Udofia Jr. -- who has been clocked at 4.4 seconds in the 40-yard dash -- also joins the program as a sophomore. The 6-1, 205-pounder had 31 catches for 501 yards and eight touchdowns last year at East LA. He went to Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, Ga., where his teams won two consecutive regional crowns and lost in the state title game in 2009.


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Ohio gas prices down to start week

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Ohio motorists are seeing lower gas prices this week and are paying less than the national average.

The state average for a gallon of regular gas was $3.56 in Monday's survey from auto club AAA, the Oil Price Information Service and Wright Express. That's 9 cents lower than last week.

The Ohio price is 11 cents below the national average of $3.67, which is 6 cents higher than the national average a week ago.

Analysts expect further increases in pump prices this summer as greater demand, unrest in Egypt and production disruptions in the U.S. and other countries push up the price of crude oil and gasoline.

The cheapest average gas price in Ohio Monday was $3.47 in the Toledo area.


AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report:


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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brady Taylor to announce college decision next Monday

Three-star offensive tackle Brady Taylor visited Kentucky over the weekend and today, tweeted that he will announce his college decision next Monday at 4 p.m.:

Taylor, Rivals? 57th best offensive tackle in the nation, is down to Virginia Tech, West Virginia, and the Cats. The 6?5? 264 lbs. Taylor hails from?you guessed it?Ohio, and said last week that he thinks Kentucky has the best fan base in the country. This afternoon, Taylor also tweeted that he may visit Virginia Tech again this weekend, and that he really enjoyed meeting all of the Kentucky commitments in Lexington.

Come on down and let us show you some more, Brady.


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Monday, July 22, 2013

Church petitions PM for inquiry into black over-representation in British prisons

A Birmingham church is asking the Prime Minister to launch an inquiry into the large numbers of young black people in British prisons.

The request to David Cameron has been signed by 150 members of the Church of God of Prophecy, Winson Green, which is a stone's throw from HM Prison Birmingham.

According to Government figures published last month, while black people make up 2.8% of the general population, they account for 13.1% of the UK prison population.

The church petition reads: "We the undersigned, being members and friends of the Church of God of Prophecy, Winson Green, Birmingham B18 7DL, call upon our Prime Minister to hold an Inquiry into why such a disproportionate number of young people, particularly young black men, are in Prison in Britain. We understand that young black British men are up to five times more likely than white to be in prison."

The church said it was awaiting a reply from the Prime Minister.

A Churches Together in England seminar heard last week that there are five times as many black people as white people in UK prisons.

Dr R David Muir, co-chair of the National Church Leaders Forum, told of one prison he visited where half of the black prisoners were from church backgrounds, with 12% coming from the families of Christian pastors.

The seminar, examining the radicalisation of young black Christian converts to Islam, also heard that prisons are becoming a key recruiting ground for extremist groups.


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Activists: Kurds to free al-Qaida-linked commander

(AP) ? Kurdish rebels are about to free the local commander of an al-Qaida-linked group in a town near Syria's northern border with Turkey after capturing him in intense fighting, activists said Sunday.

The commander in the town Tal Abyad, who is known as Abu Musaab, will be handed over to his group, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, alongside the release hundreds of Kurdish civilians detained in the past two days, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

In recent weeks, Assad's troops have seized the momentum in the civil war, now in its third year. His forces have been on offensive against rebels on several fronts, including the north.

Tal Abyad is near the Turkish border, part of Syria's Raqqa province. The area and others in Syria's northern region have seen intense fighting for several months between Kurdish forces, some of which back President Bashar Assad, and rebels from radical Islamic groups.

Abu Musaab was seized by Kurdish fighters late Saturday during clashes between the two sides, Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the Observatory said. That prompted the al-Qaida militants to arrest hundreds of Kurdish residents in retaliation. He said Kurdish rebels agreed to free Abu Musaab Sunday following mediation but did not hand him over, waiting for the release of the Kurds.

Kurds, the largest ethnic minority in Syria, make up more than 10 percent of the country's 23 million people. Their loyalties in the conflict are split between the two sides. Most Kurds live in the poor northeastern regions of Hassakeh and Qamishli, wedged in between the borders of Turkey and Iraq. Damascus and Aleppo also have several predominantly Kurdish neighborhoods.

?More than 93,000 people have been killed since the Syria crisis started in March 2011, according to the United Nations, as largely peaceful protests against Assad's rule. It escalated into a civil war after opposition supporters took up arms to fight a brutal government crackdown.

Also Sunday, Syrian state television claimed that a pro-government group hacked into two social messaging networks and seized records of local users.

That could expose Syrian rebels and other activists who depend on the networks to publicize army crackdowns on their hometowns and communicate with each other. Many telephone landlines and cellphones in Syria are assumed to be tapped.

The TV said the social networking site Tango was hacked on Sunday by the Syrian Electronic Army.

The Syrian Electronic Army is a shadowy group that supports Assad's regime.

There was no immediate comment from Tango.

Syrian media said another network ? Truecaller ? also was hacked last week. Truecaller confirmed in a statement posted on its website that it had been the target of a cyberattack.


Karam reported from Beirut.

Associated Press


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Steps to Achieving Online Business Success ? Greg Meares

Internet Lifestyle Network

Use The Internet Lifestyle Network To Help You Achieve Your Goals

?But Greg, you?re not a millionaire and how can you preach this info to me??

Well you?re right? I?m not a millionaire but success is all relative. If I compare myself to a certified Millionaire, then I am just a poser. But if I compare myself to the next guy on the street, I can bet that I am a lot better off than he is. Please don?t get me wrong, I actually hate the game of comparing but when considering perspective it helps with this illustration.

Recently, I joined a group of like-minded Internet marketing professionals (Internet Lifestyle Network) in hopes of gaining new knowledge or at least for a way to help me get focused and to kick myself in the arse. I?m happy to say that it?s working and there is good information coming out of the group.

The group?s spokesperson sent an email the other day to us and I find the words to be very valuable, so I want to share them with you. I do add some additional commentary where I believe it is appropriate.

Pay, Then Learn, Then Give Away = They Join You. ?It?s really simple when I think about how easy it?is to become an entrepreneur and leader and live?the lifestyle of your dreams now a days?

Here is how you do it?

1. Pay a little money to learn the knowledge that
will enhance your communication and marketing
skills. (Hint: the more you pay, the more value you
will give = the more income you will create.)

Greg ? ?think about the above for a moment. Isn?t this like getting advance education from the University and using that information to make a living? Only difference here is that instead of becoming an employee, you are becoming a business owner. Which as far as I am concerned much better.?

2. Actually use what you paid for. (HINT: 99%
of people don?t, and allow procrastination to control
their life and they fail.)

Greg ? ?Taking action. This is the same no matter what field you are in. My thought process is simple. Let me do it for myself, and family with my own business.?

3. Take that knowledge you are learning, put
your own spin on it, then give it away in your
words and videos for free. (Hint: This will attract
people to your business because your giving them
value, not pitching them some product.)

Greg ? ?Good information is good information no matter who is sharing it. Of course you need to credit the source. I.E. Internet Lifestyle Network?

4. And because you follow this process of
transformation and you give value to the
world and the people around you.

Greg ? Value is always rewarded. The more value the more you make!

You can now take the people who will start?following you to a vehicle that will create?income for your life.

(They will join you because they?now trust?you will be there for them along the way.)?Life is about relationships and trust over the?product and business you are promoting. ??Once you ?get that? ? and you take those steps?above seriously and take action, there is no?reason?why I won?t see you at the top!

Greg ? Amen!

To learn more great info visit the Internet Lifestyle Network

My overriding goal is to re-engineer my Life to create the Lifestyle I want. Life is too short to live any other way.

Recently I joined the Internet Lifestyle Network. And I am highly impressed and think you should take a look at it as well.

To Your Success,
Greg Meares

? ?

PS - Never let anybody tell you that you "can't" achieve your goal!

Image courtesy of

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