Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekly GOP Address: Let?s Have Fairness For All in ObamaCare

In this week?s Republican address, Reps. Tim Griffin (R-AR) and Todd Young (R-IN) call on the Democratic-run Senate to allow a vote on their legislation, which would ? as a matter of basic fairness ? protect all Americans from the mandates in the president?s health care law.

As always, there are a few ways you can check out the Weekly Republican Address:

?????? Watch the video

?????? Listen to the audio

?????? Read the transcript

For now, here are some excerpts from early coverage of the address:

UPI: ?GOP calls for ?fairness,? urges delay in individual healthcare mandate?
?Two Republican congressmen called on Senate Democrats Saturday to vote to delay the individual mandate in the federal healthcare law ?in the name of fairness.??Reps. Todd Young, R-Ind., and Tim Griffin, R-Ark., said President Obama had allowed businesses to delay providing healthcare coverage until 2015, and individuals should be permitted to do the same.? Young said the president should reconsider his threatened veto and called on Democratic Senate leaders ?to give our proposals a vote immediately in the name of fairness?? The healthcare law ?is a train wreck, plain and simple,? Griffin said.?

CBS News: ?GOP: Delay Obamacare's individual mandate, too?
?Griffin and Young touted a pair of bills passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday that would delay implementation of both mandates by one year to buy people and businesses additional time to adjust to the new law.? ?President Obama threatened to veto our proposals altogether,? Young said. ?We take that to mean he thinks its fair to let businesses off the hook while leaving middle class families in harm's way.?? ?We urge him to reconsider his veto threat,? he added, calling on Democrats in the Senate to schedule a vote on the delayed mandates ?in the name of fairness.? ? Republicans, for their part, have said they'd like to uproot the law in its entirety, a goal reiterated by Young on Saturday.?

The Hill: ?GOP urges Senate to delay ObamaCare?s individual mandate?
?House Republicans on Saturday called on the Senate to vote to delay ObamaCare's individual mandate since businesses will not be required to provide healthcare coverage until 2015. ? Young and Griffin accused Democrats and the White House of ignoring the needs of individuals by opposing their legislation.? Griffin told the story of a ?21-year old Hispanic-American who runs a small business in my district? who says he cannot hire more workers because ?ObamaCare makes him choose between new, higher insurance premiums or hefty fines.?? Republicans have stepped up their criticism of the healthcare law since July 2, when the Treasury Department announced the delay of the employer mandate. ? Republicans quickly turned the argument on the White House, saying individuals deserve as much flexibility as companies.?

CNN: ?Republicans argue for extending ObamaCare delay?
?A one-year delay of the Obamacare employer mandate should be extended to the individual requirement that Americans obtain health insurance, two Republican lawmakers argued in their party's weekly address on Saturday. ? In Saturday's weekly address, Rep. Todd Young of Indiana called the move ?great news for big businesses,? but claimed it didn't go far enough. ? Rep. Tim Griffin, who represents Arkansas, said it wouldn't be reasonable to only offer businesses a delay in complying with Obamacare.? ?Let's be fair about this: if the president's going to help out businesses by exempting them from the law, he ought to give the same relief to folks like you,? he said.?

Voice of America
?In the Republicans' weekly address, two members of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives - Todd Young and Tim Griffin - are calling on the Democratic-controlled Senate to vote on House-approved bills that would delay requirements put into place by Obama's health care reforms.?

Associated Press
?In the Republican message, Reps. Todd Young of Indiana and Tim Griffin of Arkansas are calling on the Democratic-controlled Senate to vote on bills passed by the House to delay requirements on individuals and businesses by Obama?s health care law.?


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